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  • As you read this book, the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your understanding to discover, as never before:
    • how God blesses,
    • who God blesses, and
    • the requirements to receive God's blessing.
    Dr. Morris Cerullo has prepared a comprehensive collection of every blessing in Scripture. God has marked you to be blessed with all He has and all He is! God's blessing means total well-being! It is God's desire to release His unlimited blessing upon you! When you finish reading this book about God's commanded blessing, you will fully understand why God wants to bless you in order that you can be a blessing to others! Order your copy today!
  • By: Morris Cerullo In every one of our lives, there are defining moments- moments where you come face to face with the truth, and then that truth challenges you to change. Read of the defining moment where Morris Cerullo heard God say “Son, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He was witnessing miracles then, and continue to see and hear of God doing countless miracles since. Read of the many stories that Morris believe God was alluding to when He said those powerful words to him. Now you can receive those words over your life- You haven’t seen anything yet!
  • By: David Cerullo Are you tired of living in the land of not enough or barely enough? Your heavenly Father loves you and wants to bless you with more than enough! Imagine what your life could be like with more than enough energy. More than enough time. More than enough joy. And more than enough financial resources for you to bless others through the overflowing abundance God has given you. As you read this powerful message to transform every area of your life, you will never be the same. God's Word is your title deed to a new land...The Land of More Than Enough!
  • By: Tommy Barnett In more than twenty-five years of ministry, and as pastor of one of America’s largest and fastest growing churches, Tommy Barnett has discovered the key biblical factors for multiplying your effectiveness. His forty factors will help you to multiply your potential—not simply add to it, subtract from it or divide it. For pastors and church leaders, Christian businessmen and anyone else interested in getting more effective results in their own ministry or marketplace, Multiplication will teach, inspire, and motivate.
  • Demonic power is real. It can grab hold of a person, drag them into despair, and ruin their lives. There are many fears that hold us back from reaching our potential in Christ. Through the power of God, I will teach you a special revelation of insight to deliver you and lead you into victory!
  • God wants to bring you into a new understanding of giving. When you realize the awesome power in giving, you will be free from fear and experience His continual cycle of giving and receiving.
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