I have rushed you this message with a Year of Favor promise that this is your BREAK-FREE moment.

God has revealed to me a powerful key to unlocking the fullness of your breakthrough: You must receive the promise of God to BREAK–FREE from the chains of your past.

Those chains may be past sins, failures, debts, tragedies, heartbreak, health issues, or grief over the loss of loved ones. These may be the silent burdens holding you back … chaining you to your past and keeping you from pursuing your God-given dreams and becoming all He created you to be.

Friend, this is your time to step into the promise of God’s Unmerited Favor and the overwhelming grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s time for you to BREAK-FREE from your past just as God broke the prison chains for Paul and Silas … to set them free:

Suddenly, a great earthquake shook the prison, causing the doors to open and everyone’s chains to come loose. (Acts 16:26)

The same unshakable power that broke their chains is at work for you. Through the promised power of God’s grace and Unmerited Favor … you can BREAK-FREE from chains of the past that hold you captive in a prison of pain.

Friend, I am speaking directly to you! Just as the angel of God broke the prison chains from Paul and Silas in that dark cold jail, I send you the promise of God’s Word: He will break the chains of your past and set you free.

Here are His breakthrough promises for YOU:

#1: BREAK-FREE From Your Past Sins: Embrace this truth today … you have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb!

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7, NIV)

Let this sink in. Your sins have not only been forgiven, but completely erased! Micah 7:19 says, You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. This verse beautifully illustrates God’s mercy and forgiveness, emphasizing His willingness to completely remove our sins and restore us.

If our omnipotent God has forgotten your past sins, then you can too! It is time to BREAK-FREE from the prison chains of the past and be everything God wants you to be.

#2: BREAK-FREE From Your Failures: From the shackles of failure, God will set you free!

Our Lord has promised that we can BREAK-FREE into a new life of victory for ourselves, our families, and our walk with God. In Romans 8:28 we are assured that, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose, meaning that He will use our worst failures to shape us, teach us, and direct us to accomplish His will when we surrender our past failures to Him.

#3: BREAK-FREE From Your Debts! The very heart of God is for you to BREAK-FREE from the bondage of financial debt in your life. He longs for you to walk in freedom, provision, and abundance.

As a child of God, through the bloodline of Jesus Christ, your heavenly Father has extended the promise of His blessing and provision to you, to empower you to BREAK-FREE from the bondage of debt.

The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend … and not borrow… (Deuteronomy 28:12, NIV)

This is God’s heart … to pour out a more than enough, exceeding, and abundant overflow of provision and blessing so you can break the bondage of financial debt and BREAK-FREE into a new and abundant life of financial independence.

Friend, no matter what has you bound, whether it is past sins, failures, debts, or a broken heart, this is your BREAK-FREE moment. In our Year of Favor, you can step into a whole new life … bathed in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ … which can only be described as God’s Favor upon you.


Living a new life of favor is the promise of a very special inspirational book I have selected as my Thank You for sowing your seed. It is the Joseph Prince devotional, 100 Days of Favor.

Unlike anything you have read before, this book will take you on a 100-day journey, where you will understand your right to Unmerited Favor and how to enter God’s covenant of Unmerited Favor, learn the secret of good success, find divine wisdom to succeed, and step into a whole new life that is greatly blessed, deeply loved, and highly favored.

With sincerest gratitude, I will send you this BREAK-FREE book as you plant a special BREAK-FREE Seed of $50 or more, as you believe God to break the chains of your past and set you free into a new life of grace and favor.

Your BREAK-FREE Seed Gift will be immediately planted into the fertile soil of our ministry; together we are building God’s Kingdom on earth by reaching lost souls for Jesus Christ.

With your precious seed of $50, $75, $100 or whatever you can give, you will help complete the work of our Million Soul Crusade as we pass the one million mark of lost souls who have said, Yes, they have prayed the prayer of salvation.

Just like our Almighty God broke the chains that bound Paul and Silas, this is your BREAK-FREE moment to believe God to break the chains of your past that have you bound.

Your Friend and Partner,

David Cerullo


I am praying that this will be your BREAK-FREE moment. Join me now as we begin our journey into 100 Days of Favor.