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The Solomon Blessing

July 3rd, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, the warnings of an imminent economic collapse ring loud with increasing financial doom. Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan:

Take It Back Attack

June 19th, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, this urgent prayer request just came into our ministry: I am going through the valley right now!

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Spiritual Warfare

June 4th, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Satan is on a rampage. He has launched an all-out spiritual war on God’s children just before Christ’s return. The scriptures give us prophetic warnings of Satan’s fury

Summer Healing Crusade

May 17th, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, my partners are crying out, Heal Me Oh Lord! Please pray for my body ... I have rheumatoid arthritis. It's in my knees, neck,

Pentecost Firepower

May 2nd, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, I have rushed you this email because you can’t wait any longer. The Feast of Pentecost is upon us. During our Power of Pentecost


April 3rd, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, This letter is driven by the promise that our Passover Sunday Anointing Service, on April 28, will be your divine appointment of Release and Increase.

Israel Appeal

March 28th, 2024|

CLICK HERE TO PLANT YOUR SEED Dear Friend, there was no time to send a letter. I had to rush you this email because Israel is surrounded ... and suffering Jews are in

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.