God is Opening Hearts and Breaking Strongholds in the Middle East!
God is raising up Nationals throughout the Arab world as they receive training and impartation from your ministry. The lives of Nationals are being transformed through the breakthrough revelation of Dr. Morris Cerullo’s Proof Producers message. More souls are being won! Believers are being trained by your ministry to courageously take the Gospel to closed regions that are difficult to reach.
God sent His servant, Dr. Morris Cerullo, throughout the Arab-Muslim Middle East on “journeys of power.”

Through the training of Nationals, your ministry continues to bring the Word of God to Muslim-Arab children.
Dr. Cerullo escalated his outreach to tens of thousands in Amman, Jordan and Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates. He released a great anointing on the Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Egyptians. Nationals filled the courtyards and overflow rooms to receive the breakthrough revelation via large, overhead screens.
God called specific Nationals at these Schools of Ministry to become ministers … and fellow believers laid hands on them while praying for God to yield supernatural fruit in their lives. God raised up a whole generation of leaders who are responding in faith.
God to yield supernatural fruit in their lives. God raised up a whole generation of leaders who are responding in faith. One of your ministry’s Nationals faithfully declared, “God has not forgotten or neglected the children of Ishmael.”

Supernatural Journey to the Middle East
Your ministry is winning Middle-Eastern Nationals to Christ who have grown up in deeply religious Muslim homes. Koran
memorization, mosque attendance, and Ramadan fasting were required. God chose Morris when he was only a boy, and your ministry has been instrumental in reaching Arab boys and girls that will become powerful ministers to their nations in the future.
Dr. Cerullo traveled and released God’s Word throughout the Arab Middle East … from Yemen to Algeria and from Bahrain to Jordan, plus an entire Arabic school in San Diego. Nationals have discovered God’s desire for all believers and disciples to become powerful ministers for Him wherever they are (I Corinthians 7:20). Teachers who became believers continued in that capacity, and witnessed in schools where they taught Arab Muslim students (particularly in the United Arab Emirates). Astounding miracles took place that were comparable to the way God revealed himself to Samuel the prophet when he was young (I Samuel 3:10) and the Apostle Paul in heavenly visions!
These teachers have been producing the proof that Jesus is Lord … and open visions of Christ were revealed during classroom sessions to as many as 20 students at a time! The visions of Christ reached deep into the thoughts and dreams of these Nationals whom Christ loves.
One vision was described as follows:
There Jesus stood, radiant, holding an ‘old book’ with golden edges, embossed with the letters ‘HB’ for Holy Bible. Jesus touched the heads of each child, talking to them, and asking their individual prayer requests. God kept His Word. Jesus Himself showed up, imparting His love and blessing to the children of Ishmael through His saving grace.”
Muslims Experience the God of the Bible!
The visions of Jesus stirred the hearts of students who began gathering regularly. Teachers and children used the pretext of school and education to allow them to meet without raising suspicion. God went on to perform supernatural healings.
As the crisis in Afghanistan with the Taliban unfolds, God is reaching children with a direct, supernatural outpouring that is as real to them as Cornelius’ experience in Acts 10:3. Special sessions for children have grown into the hundreds. God’s prophetic touch is truly upon the Arab-Muslim Middle East as never before.

Many Muslims are coming to the Lord in the Middle East while under heavy persecution. Christians have been subject to vicious murders at the hands of terrorist groups. They have been forced out of their homes by civil wars, suffered intolerance by Islamist groups, and subjected to institutional discrimination of the laws and official practices of many Middle-Eastern countries.
More than 91 percent of the Middle East and North Africa are descendants of Ishmael. They are followers of Islam. But God has destined a blessing for the sons of Ishmael, and this blessing comes to them when their eyes are “opened” to the Messiah Jesus!
God’s Answer for the Middle East is Jesus
Despite what you see in the news today, the God of the Bible is moving powerfully and dramatically
throughout the Muslim world. More people from Muslim backgrounds have believed in Jesus Christ in recent years than at any other time in human history. A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and
Central Asia … and you are a big part of it.
Your God’s Victorious Army seed will facilitate one of the most dramatic developments in the Muslim world—training Nationals so that Jesus Christ will be known among them!
Many Muslims in Iran and Iraq have reported seeing dreams and visions of Jesus, just like the stories you have read in this Frontline News.

This is your ministry. This is the fruit of your giving to God’s Victorious Army!
This is where you come in. Your God’s Victorious Army financial support can transform the lives of Muslims. Partner with our ministry. Together, we are seeing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy:
. . . I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days … And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved . . .
(Joel 2:28-29, 32, NIV)
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