November 05

Who is Demonized?

Unfortunately, there are nights when a few of you are kept awake by the haunting question: “Can a Christian be demon possessed?” Some of you are worried about friends; some are worried about yourselves.

First of all, there is no distinction in the Bible between oppression, possession, vexation or anything else that demons can do to you.

Second, when you were born-again, God planted the seed of new life in Christ deep in your innermost being. Christ’s life in you can never be “demonized”! However, it is like a tiny embryo, encased by the outer shell of your old nature. As your spiritual man grows, you start to break through this old “shell,” but Satan doesn’t want to let go of the influence he has on your old nature, and the pressure can become quite intense. But have hope, God has created you and wants to teach you how to break through! He is telling you, “Withstand him; be firm in faith (against his onset), – rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined – knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood….throughout the world” (1 Peter 5:9, AMP).

Learn to exercise the muscles of your spiritual man. Stand and resist the enemy wherever he has gained a foothold of oppression. If you need help, call upon the Lord. Deliverance is yours!

Our Evening Prayer – Let’s Pray Together …

God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your truth. Grant me a new anointing of strength and power to stand and resist the devil wherever he may be oppressing me. Lead me to people who possess the truths of spiritual authority and can help me when I need it. I long to be delivered and set free! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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