
The SECOND BLESSING is the solution to your biggest problem, the answer to your boldest prayer, the fulfillment of your bravest dream. It is a blessing without limits, running over with God’s favor and abundance.

I have prepared a very special thank-you gift, DOUBLE BLESSING by Mark Batterson.

If you look closely at the sub-title, you’ll see it says:

Don’t Settle for Less
Than You’re Called to Bless

Keep reading and you’ll see how this promise of the DOUBLE BLESSING can open a whole new dimension of limitless, purpose-driven, overflow blessings … bringing you into a world of God’s abundance such as you have never experienced before.

The Double Portion is God’s Second Blessing!

But one of the secrets to releasing the DOUBLE blessings of God is for you and me to be a blessing to those in need first.

When you bless others …
God releases His blessings upon you.

This is the Second Blessing… The First Blessing is to give … The Second Blessing is God’s return blessing into your life.

The Second Blessing is Much More that X 2: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38)

As I said in the opening of this email, Jesus’ promise of the Second blessing is the solution to your biggest problem, the answer to your boldest prayer, the fulfillment of your bravest dream. It is a blessing without limits, running over with God’s favor and abundance.

Pastor Tommy Barnett, who is the Pastor of the mega-church Dream City Church in Phoenix has received a word from God he describes as the Multiplication Anointing. He preached this message here at the Legacy Center where God released life-changing financial breakthroughs in the lives of our partners. You can receive this book as my special bonus.

Friend, I am sending you this email believing God for you to step into that dimension of a Multiplication Breakthrough.

The promise is never more dramatic than the Multiplication Breakthrough of Jesus feeding the five thousand. You know the story well. It is recorded in all four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

This Was a Breakthrough Over the Lack of Money…

Jesus told Philip to go buy the food to feed the people. Phillip responded that there was not enough money to feed the massive crowd. The only food they had was from a little boy’s five barley loaves and two small fish.

This MULTIPLICATION BREAKTHROUGH began when the little boy gave his lunch as the First Blessing.

Then Jesus Blessed the Bread and Fish and began giving to the crowd of hungry people and the Second Blessing … Multiplication Breakthrough, “multiplied” that little boy’s lunch to feed the entire crowd till they were full … with an abundant overflow of 12 baskets.

The First Blessing is in giving. Paul promised It is more blessed to give … (Acts 20:35)

The Second Blessing, The Double Blessing is the MULTIPLICATION BREAKTHROUGH when God multiplies your gift to bless others and then returns an abundant, overflow, more than enough blessing back into your personal life, just like to boy’s sack lunch multiplied into twelve baskets of food.

That is why there is a MULTIPLICATION BREAKTHROUGH on the seeds planted into our soul-saving ministry. When you plant your seed of a First Blessing Offering you are planting into the fertile soil of our Million Soul Crusade. You are a part of blessing 501,532 from around the world who prayed the prayer of salvation through our global online outreach.

We are literally going to the uttermost parts of the earth through our Schools of Ministry and Crusades. Our students in our GVA School of Ministry continue to grow now to 130,000.

This is the Second Blessing … It is a Multiplication Breakthrough!

When you bless others …
God will release His Blessing upon you.

God is ready to release your Multiplication Breakthrough! But the first step is yours; GIVE AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN …

Ask God right now the amount of a seed gift that would Bless the Lord. What should you give to be a blessing?

Is a seed gift of $50 your First Blessing Seed?
Is a seed gift of $75 your First Blessing Seed?
Is a seed gift of $100 your First Blessing Seed?

If you have suffered a setback, now is the time for your comeback. I want to agree with you in prayer to overflow your greatest needs through God’s promise of THE SECOND BLESSING.

Plant your FIRST BLESSING SEED and together, we will believe God for your Second Blessing, your MULTIPLICATION BREAKTHROUGH, to overflow your greatest needs.

Praying for God’s blessings to overtake you,

David Cerullo


I want to send you DOUBLE BLESSING, Don’t Settle for Less Than
You’re Called to Bless by Mark Batterson. You will discover how to live under the mantle of the Double Blessing throughout life’s journey.

As a very special bonus gift, if you will believe God for a $100 or more First Blessing Seed I will also send you Tommy Barnett’s incredible book MULTIPLICATION: Unlock the Biblical Factors to Multiply. If you want to Become a Miracle and Dream God’s Dreams than you must have this book.

Request this special bonus offer today.