Friend, are you struggling with pain, disease, disability, infection, chronic infirmity, emotional hurt … or a beloved family member who needs a breakthrough of healing?

With this email, I invite you to a special Healing Crusade service that was recorded at the Mission to London, where you can receive God’s immutable promise to heal you and make you whole:

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness — by whose stripes you were healed. (I Peter 2:24, NKJV)

In this amazing Healing Crusade service, you will see wave after wave of the healing streams of Calvary sweeping over thousands who are reaching out for a Healing Touch from our Lord.

And you will see and hear my dad, God’s Servant, Morris Cerullo, pray as God’s healing power breaks through into the lives of those who are suffering.

Dad is now in Heaven. But just as there is an anointing today on the written Word of God, the healing stream of the cross can be released into your life through this Healing Crusade service.

You will hear Dad call out the spirits of disease and infirmity, and in the name of Jesus Christ claim the healing of cancer, heart trouble, injuries, stroke, arthritis, rheumatism, deafness, blindness, afflictions of the back, arms, legs … and all manner of sickness.

What God has done for masses of sick, broken, hopeless, and hurting children, He can do for you.


On Friday, February 28, we will broadcast this Healing Crusade service from the Legacy Center here in San Diego. Our prayer ministers and intercessors will gather to intercede in a mighty season of prayer for God’s healing power to touch you, your loved ones, and everyone who will reach out for God’s healing touch.

Friend, I want your name and your needs on the prayer altar at that moment as Dad prays the prayer for an outpouring of healing, and our intercessors target your healing needs to believe God for your personal healing breakthrough.

Use this form below and send me your prayers for healing, your disease, injury, infirmity … whatever physical need you have. Send it immediately so it is here before our Healing Crusade service on Friday, February 28.


To prepare you to receive the promise of God’s healing touch in your life, I will send you my book Simple Steps to Health & Wholeness .

Friend, God wants you healed, whole, and healthy.

In my book, I will show you seven key areas that could hinder healing in your life. And then, I focus on five simple faith-filled steps to receive your healing.

The promise of my book is the promise of 3 John 1:2:

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

To seal your promise of God’s healing power in your life, I ask you to join me in taking the promise of God’s healing power to the sick and afflicted … the hurting and hopeless in the nations of the world.

Through our Miracle of Salvation Video, we have already received an estimated more than ONE MILLION responses from precious people, saying “yes” they have prayed the prayer of salvation.

Using this very same online technology, I need your help to broadcast our Healing Crusade video across America, Canada, Europe, and the uttermost parts of the earth with the promise of God’s power to heal.

Click below to plant a special Healing Crusade Seed of $50, $75, $100 or more to help provide the funds to launch our Healing Crusade to hurting humanity throughout the world.

Then use the following link,, and join me and our intercessors on Friday, February 28, at 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, for the worldwide broadcast of our Healing Crusade. Using this same link, you can tune in to a repeat broadcast of the Healing Crusade throughout the day.

I pray you are healed … and you are made whole!

Your Friend and Partner,

David Cerullo


It is from the classic miracle healing of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment, that I have prepared a garment as your point of contact for your healing breakthrough.

You will see on The Healing Prayer Shawl a bold graphic presentation of God’s name: Jehovah Raphe, which is recorded more than 60 times in the Old Testament and means I am the God who heals you.

This heirloom prayer shawl measures 24” by a full 72” with a blue and metallic gold striped pattern. Even the corners of this garment have embroidered promises of God’s healing touch.

I will send our one-of-a-kind Healing Prayer Shawl and my book, Simple Steps to Health & Wholeness, as my gift of gratitude when you join with me through your Healing Crusade Seed Gift of $100 or more to send Christ’s healing power to the ends of the earth through our Healing Crusade video.