Fruit That Remains!

Steven Reyme shares the following testimony with your ministry:
“I first saw Dr. Morris Cerullo on television in Suriname. In 1993, I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and began coming to church. Then, Apostle Wayne Haywood came for the first time to do a School of Ministry with Papa Cerullo. He came to prepare the way with some of the leaders so I met him and he in turn, introduced me to Dr. Morris Cerullo.
My pastor’s wife was also a partner of Dr. Morris Cerullo. I was a new Christian and she encouraged me to go to Dr. Cerullo’s World Conference. I prayed and got a Word from the Lord. He told me to go. I did not have any money, but I acted in faith and went.”
“The first Morris Cerullo meeting I attended was in Anaheim. That meeting changed my life completely because it was there I learned that God had a purpose and a plan for my life. I started thinking differently. Papa Cerullo reiterated that we must be doers of the Word, and not hearers only … (James 1:22). For the first 4-7 years, I was sleeping in the hotel lobby. The only thing that mattered to me at that time was the anointing.”
“In those six to seven years, God imparted faith in me. Every time somebody would ask me, “Are you going?” I would say, “I don’t know.” And people would buy a ticket for me and I would come in faith. But, in the seventh year, I told the Lord, “I’m tired of sleeping in hotel lobbies. I want the anointing but the price, the stake is too high.” So I told the Lord, “I’ll come only under one condition, I have to sleep in the Hilton Hotel.”

Steven continues, “As a result of obeying God and attending Papa Cerullo’s conferences, I received the impartation. My life changed completely. I began to think differently. I talked differently than other people in my church. I arrived at a level of faith that was surprising. I later went to Bible school and when I returned, God raised me up to become the youth pastor. What is always tremendous is that every time I would leave Brother Cerullo’s conferences, and return to Suriname, my life was completely changed through the impartation I received. God has brought me to another level.
Steven goes on to say, “The influence [of Morris Cerullo] is not only for me, but for all of Suriname. One thing I have to say, most of the pastors in Suriname are people who attended the World Conference yearly. So we’re teaching what we know because of the foundation that Morris Cerullo had put in our lives, especially when we talk about faith, when we talk about prayer … and integrity.”
This [ministry] is good ground. In five years, my church went from 60 to 1,500 people. We are the fastest growing church in Suriname right now. I have 13 pastors working under me; I raised four other churches in five years because of this ministry and God has granted us the ability to bring Dr. Morris Cerullo back to Suriname, and this month we’re bringing him to French Guiana. Papa’s influence is not only for me, but for all of Suriname. We are teaching what we know because of the foundation that Morris Cerullo placed in our lives.
I give credit to the man of God because of what he has done in my life and for many others in Suriname.
Steven recently shared about the elections in Suriname. “In 2020, the people of Suriname cast their votes in the general election for a new parliament (De Nationale Assemblee) and government. The turnout was remarkably high, and the existing coalition was voted out and a new
government was installed for a five-year term.”
“As many more citizens of Suriname were very disappointed with the policy of the former government and were facing severe injustice, I took the initiative to enter into politics to try to help lay a foundation for fundamental change in politics and government policy in Suriname.
“The new political party Alternative 2020 (A20), which was set up by me, also took part in the elections. My aspiration was to run for a position in the highest level of leadership and hoped from that position to be able to bring changes in Suriname.
“My pertinent message to Surname and in particular to the Government is to introduce the principle of leadership, servant leadership (as Jesus did). And even though we have no seat in parliament I keep broadcasting my message and on injustice and leadership.”
- South American country located between French Guiana and Guyana.
- Achieved its independence from the
Netherlands in 1975. - Total population: 575,900.
- Dutch-speaking country
- 52.3 percent of the population are Christian (the largest groups being the Catholic Church, Pentecostals and the Moravian Church).
- 18.8 percent are Hindu
- 14.3 percent are Muslim.
- Christianity is often mixed with spiritism.
- Although the number of growing
evangelical and Pentecostal groups is high, the number of born-again Christians is low. - Witchcraft and fear of spirits is
widespread among some of
the people.