Dear Friend, there was no time to send a letter. I had to rush you this email because Israel is surrounded … and suffering Jews are in desperate need of immediate emergency aid.

The Hamas War on Israel rages on in the south …

Hezbollah just attacked Galilee with a rain of 100 rockets launched from Lebanon to the north …

From Yemen, the Houthis continue their blockade of Israeli commercial ships – cutting off urgently needed supplies …

Islamic Jihad is attacking Israeli civilians and military, using suicide bombings and rocket launches.

With Israel’s back against the wall, hatred for Jews is surging across the globe. The United Nations and countries like Brazil, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are demanding an Israel ceasefire … which would mean surrender, and that Israel would lose the war to the Hamas terrorist regime.

All the while, hatred for the Jew here in the US has exploded by 400%, with left-wing government extremists leading the way to force America to turn its back on Israel.

… behold the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me … (Exodus 3:9)

We cannot turn our backs on God’s Chosen People!

With Israel surrounded, and the nations of the world fuming their hatred against the Jew … refugees from the war in Israel desperately need our immediate help … and I need your help to provide food and medical care to Jews suffering under the ravages of the Hamas War.

I could not get to you any other way, so I rushed this email asking you, as a partner in prophecy for the salvation of Israel, to click below and donate a special Jewish World Outreach Emergency Gift to help provide desperately needed food, humanitarian aid, and medical care as a vital part of our evangelism outreach, to demonstrate the love of the Messiah to the Jews.

God’s Law of the Harvest includes a special provision for the poor and needy.

When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field … Leave them for the poor … I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 23:22, NKJV)

By seeding into the Harvest Field of poor and suffering Jews in Israel, you and I together can claim God’s promise of His COMMANDED BLESSING upon you as you bless the Seed of Abraham:

And I will bless them that bless thee …(Genesis 12:3)

God’s COMMANDED BLESSING from Deuteronomy 28 will run after you to prosper you with increase for your family, your possessions and your life’s work.

These are the promises of God’s COMMANDED BLESSINGS:

Your outpouring of blessings will overcome your enemies and result in a storehouse of investments and generational wealth for you and your family.

• Your children and grandchildren will lead holy lives and those around you will give glory to God for the supernatural work He has done in your life.

• You will live debt free … and your overflow of blessings will make you a blessing to those in need.

• You will be the head and not the tail. You will be the leader in your family, your business, your ministry … never be the tail again.

Please hear the cry of suffering Jews in Israel.

Plant your EMERGENCY SEED into our Jewish World Outreach to poor and needy Jews.

Together, we can see God’s Law of the Harvest reap provision and care to Jewish refugees of war and release God’s COMMANDED BLESSING into your life.

Israel is God’s Timeclock. The stage is set for the Battle of Armageddon. These are truly the end of the end-times.

God has set aside these days of the End-time Harvest to release incredible blessings upon His children, like you friend, so you can be a blessing to the seed of Abraham.

Join me as a partner in prophecy for the house of Israel,

David Cerullo


With America and world turning its back on Israel, you can take a stand in support of God’s Chosen People. With your EMERGENCY SEED, I will send you this I Stand With Israel Bracelet to demonstrate your love, support, and prayers for the House of Israel during these turbulent times. Request yours today!