God’s Four Principles for Your Season of Miracles: A Word from Bishop Mike Zino
Matthew 16:13-18 (NKJV) reads:
When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
Jesus answered and said to him,

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“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Receive this special Word of God from Bishop Mike Zino, and obey the prophetic direction God gave him. When you receive it, you will be unstoppable. Here are four principles on how God destined you to rule and reign victoriously in His Kingdom.
PRINCIPLE #1: Praise God Because You’ve Got the Power!
Jesus told Peter, “Based on the revelation you have received of Who I AM, I am going to build My Church.” The word for “Church” is the word ecclesia. The root of the word ecclesia was more of a governmental word. It was the legislative body that ran the country, the senate of the day.
When Jesus used that word, Church, He was saying: “On the basis of Who I am, you are going to run things. You are going to control government” … who sits in government, who does not sit in government. For example, when they told us in Canada we could not preach certain things or they would throw us in jail, God spoke to me one day. He said, “I am going to address the nation.”
When the praise and worship finished, I went up to the pulpit, and as I opened my mouth, God started addressing the nation, and He covered everything that could throw me in jail. Then, the Lord said to me, “Now, send it to all of the members of Parliament and the legislative assembly. “But Lord, those are the people that want to throw me in jail.”Nevertheless, I sent it to them, and I sent a letter to the Prime Minister. I told him,“If you don’t repent, you’re going to be fired twice in one day. “ The guy was favored 80 percent in the polls, and before you know it, when it was time for the election, God unraveled him. He lost and resigned from his position, twice in one day.
When it was time to fire the mayor in my city, the Lord gave me instructions. He said, “It’s time to fire.” So, I came to the front of the church. I said, “The Lord says it’s okay now to fire our mayor.” The mayor got fired because he ran for this popular Prime Minister, and they gave him a safe city to run. You have a prophetic voice, in the Name of Jesus Christ. You are the Church! You are part of the government of God. Don’t you forget it!
PRINCIPLE #2: God’s Promises Will Lift Your Personal Life!

Our prayers, with our obedience, are taking hold of what God says is ours. We are takers of the promises of God. The battle is not ours; it is the Lord’s. (II Chronicles 20:15)
I’m reminded of a situation I was facing many years ago. Our church’s heating and cooling system became inoperable because the pump was broken. To solve the problem, we had to pull it out, and we discovered
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that the cost to repair it was around $30,000 – and I didn’t have $30,000.
One day, I met with one of my church members and asked why was it so expensive to repair. He began explaining to me everything needed to fix it, where we had to buy the part and other pertinent details.
About six months before, I went down this main street, and all of a sudden, I heard God say, “Say: Let it be a Burger King.” I’m trying to figure out what’s going on, but I said, “Let there be a Burger King.” I did not know that my answer to the furnace situation was going to be answered by proclaiming, “Let there be a Burger King,” because the equipment that I needed to solve my problem was being used to set up the new Burger King that God told me to speak into existence. One day, someone from our church told me that the new Burger King had an extra new air conditioner they didn’t want. So I contacted them. They decided to give us the equipment and install it. My problem was solved with a $100 tip. Not only that, but they also decided to insulate all the surrounding pipes. By the time they fixed everything, I had a $100,000 job done for $0 with my $100 tip. Praise the Lord! God has an answer for you!
PRINCIPLE #3: You Are Anointed For Supernatural Exploits!
Beloved, you have been atoned for. That’s why you do not have to come from a position of worthlessness. By the precious blood of Jesus Christ, you have been blood-bought. God is calling you to come boldly into His Presence.
He says, Come boldly (Hebrews 4:16). He says that all power in heaven and earth has been given unto Him (Matthew 28:18), and then He turns on that power and releases it. He says, “You’ve got it.”
You are not ordinary. Forget that story. You are supernatural. You are empowered by God to do great exploits. It’s a people who know their God (Daniel 11:32).!
When you act like you don’t know God, the devil will harass, terrorize, and strip you of the glory that God has placed on your life. It’s time for change. You must understand who you are. You are the Church of Jesus Christ.
He says, “This Church, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). This is what you need to let the people that you have oversight know—that they have been authorized by God to live life like God does.
Don’t just believe it; know it. Declare it. I am the Church, the governing force of the living God in the earth. That’s who you are.
Now, I want to share a quick story from Luke 13:10-16. The Bible says:
Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up.

This woman had been in this state for years. She could not see the stars. All she could do was stare at the dirt. But Jesus came.
Knowing the people, He says: Ought not this woman, who is a daughter of Abraham, be set free? He turns to the woman—in spite of what they were thinking—and says: Woman, thou art loosed … And, immediately, the woman straightened up.
All these years, this woman is bent down, looking at the source of her blessing, and did not straighten out. So many of us are looking at the blessing, and we’re still bent over. But there’s got to be a fight inside of you that says no to the devil and yes to God. The devil’s a liar; he is not in control—God is. Not only does He say that we represent Him in the earth, but you, as the Church, are God’s ambassador.
Those who are born of the Spirit, they are ambassadors of Christ, and they have a message of reconciliation (II Corinthians 5:18, 20).
PRINCIPLE #4: Release God’s Kingdom Riches and Blessings!

You are an ambassador of Christ because you were not born spiritually in the earth. You were spiritually born from above. Remember, every good and every perfect gift proceeds from the Father of lights, meaning that you are not darkness; you are light. Jesus says, You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). When the light shines, darkness gives way. You’ve got to simply accept the fact that when you show up, devils flee. The hand of God is upon your life. You are light.
As the representative of God’s Kingdom, your provision, as an ambassador, comes from your home government. My God shall meet all of your needs, according to His riches in glory. (Philippians 4:19)
So, when you have a need, you make a supply application. It’s called “supplication.” You ask for the supply. This is what I need, and the home government provides it. It provides for and meets all of your needs, based on what you see happening. What do you see happening, and what do you want to accomplish?
When you have the instruction from Father God, He gives you the supply to give you what you’ve got to do. You’re provided for, but you’re also protected.
An ambassador does not travel alone. He always has bodyguards, a security force, and an entourage. So, you are never alone. You have an entourage with you—a spiritual entourage. You’re covered.
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