Trending News This Week:

  • A Republican-backed measure to derail the Iran nuclear deal has been blocked by Democrats in the US Senate, securing a major foreign policy victory for President Barack Obama.
  • The Islamic State militant group is making and using crude chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
  • The Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses has been released and will return to work.

Current news headlines reflect the turmoil happening every day around us. But, if you keep your eye on God, who has already defeated the work of the enemy at the cross, and continue to learn to walk in righteousness, then His blessings, victory, peace, and protection will surround you.

Satan will use murmuring and complaining against God to defeat you. Murmuring is an outward expression of unbelief. It reveals a lack of trust in God’s goodness, His love, and His provision.

There are many Christians today who have fallen into this trap of the enemy. When they face problems in their finances, in their families, or on the job, instead of trusting God – believing that He will meet their needs – they begin to murmur and complain. People will find themselves thinking or saying things like, “Why has God allowed this to happen to me? I’m tired of never having enough money to meet our needs. Why do our children always have to do without things they want? Why doesn’t God answer and meet our needs? Has He forgotten us?”

People murmur and complain about the amount of work they have; they murmur and grumble about their salaries and their living conditions, and never feel like they are treated fairly.

The Israelites murmured. They were not satisfied with the manna God provided for them. They were ungrateful for what God gave them and they longed for carnal desires of their flesh.

We must recognize murmuring and complaining as a trick of the enemy to keep us living in defeat. When we murmur, we are doubting God’s provision for us. Moses told the Israelites, … The Lord hears your complaints which you make against Him. And what are we? Your complaints are not against us but against the Lord. (Exodus 16:8). When we murmur and grumble, we are not murmuring against people or circumstances, we are murmuring against God, and He hears us. Not only does He hear us, but our unbelief hinders us from acting in faith upon His promises and we cannot receive what we need.

Just as murmuring kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land, murmuring and complaining will keep you from entering the spiritual dimension of God’s rest where there is blessing, provision, power, and victory.

Say this faith declaration out loud: “I will learn from the example of the Israelites. Words of murmuring and complaining are no longer part of my vocabulary.”

Scripture Reading:

Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

1 Corinthians 10:10-11

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:13