Our Ministry Returns To The Maasai People
Fast Facts on the Maasai:
- Total population: 2,000,000 (1.2 million in Kenya and 800,000 in Tanzania)
- Maa and Swahili-speaking tribe
- Patriarchal society
- Cultural heritage: Ancient warrior with rites of passage requiring the endurance of pain
- Dress: Traditional animal skins and contemporary, commercial cotton
- Occupations: Agricultural, cattle herders
Our Ministry’s Journey of Power To The Maasai People
Our ministry team returned to the Maasai region of

Kenya to build God’s army and fulfill the calling that God has placed on us as a ministry among all peoples of the world … and that includes the Maasai!
With over 1,200,000 inhabitants of the tribe living in Kenya, the Maasai are among the most famous tribal groups in the world. Raising up Maasai Nationals to reach their own people has been instrumental in fulfilling our divine mandate ever since Dr. Morris Cerullo first began his travels decades ago.
Receiving God’s Miraculous Blessing!
Our ministry continued to train and equip Maasai Nationals through Schools of Ministry that took place in Maasai villages. Nationals cried out against a severe drought that had engulfed their land … and God responded miraculously to the needs of His people!
God sent a great storm cloud that released heavy rain across the land of the Maasai in Western Kenya. The mighty outpouring was long overdue … The Maasai had grown accustomed to clouds of floating dust thrown up by bikes and vehicles traveling over the unpaved, arid landscape. The harvest was scarce and daily living had become extremely difficult for many of the Maasai because of the limited access to water.
The drought symbolized the spiritual condition of Nationals in desperate need of the Gospel … and the heavens released the rain after spiritually hungry men and women interceded for their nation and called upon God for souls at our Schools of Ministry.
Don Mandell, Senior VP of International Ministries, drove across unpaved, dirt roads to the village of Suswa in the Maasai region. At God’s appointed time, Don arrived in Suswa to minister at the School of Ministry, but not before stopping to repair several tire punctures.
While stopped near the village of Suswa, the Spirit of God brought a man in need of deliverance to our ministry team. Under heavy conviction by the Holy Spirit, the man confessed to crimes of theft and misbehavior toward women. As tears of genuine repentance flowed down his face, our ministry team interceded for the man … and God miraculously lifted the burden of guilt from his heart!
The prayer team, led by Mama Hellen, left a great spiritual deposit in the man’s life … God showed mercy to the criminal and transformed his heart. This incredible miracle reveals that not a single soul is beyond God’s reach!
The Maasai people eagerly gathered together and were hungry to receive equipping through our Schools of Ministry and the video training that Dr. Morris Cerullo has left behind.
Maasai Nationals raised up holy hands to receive the outpouring of God’s Spirit, and an abundance of souls were saved. Those who suffered from illnesses were healed during the Schools of Ministry that took place.

God Miraculously Touched Brother Kisotu
He experienced the supernatural rehabilitation of his leg while intense prayers were being offered up at the Suswa School of Ministry.

An Enduring Testimony of God’s Power
In the past, Mary had been incapacitated for 14 years because of a curse, but the curse had been broken. Now, she cooks, prays, and rejoices because of what she received from God through our ministry!
The proof-producing power of the Gospel was released in a fresh, new way to the Maasai! These miracles are the fruit of our ministry and God’s love for the Maasai. Nationals are producing the proof that Jesus is Lord through miracles of healing, signs, and wonders from the heavens!
These miracles are the fruit of our ministry and God’s love for the Maasai. Nationals are producing the proof that Jesus is Lord through miracles of healing, signs and wonders from the heavens!
Giving Thanks To God!
After training and equipping Nationals, the Maasai in Suswa offered a live rooster to Don as a sign of gratitude for all that God did for them through our ministry!
Don received the gift of a live animal on behalf of our ministry … and the wonderful generosity of the Maasai is also how they thank YOU for your partnership with us.
Through your partnership, you are supporting our ministry’s outreaches to the Maasai and to the world … THANK YOU!
Powerful men and women of God have been raised up among the Maasai because of your faithfulness to the divine mandate … as we build God’s army in the nations of the world.
Your next seed will train even more Nationals as we continue to grow our ministry to the Maasai and all throughout Eastern Africa.
The Apostle Paul honored those who labored greatly for the Gospel
… and so we want to honor our Kenyan brothers and sisters who God has raised up through your partnership to pastor and shepherd these great people:
- Prince Philip Okomba Sakwa
- Bishop Peter Ole Mankura
- Rev. Hellen Kairu of Nairobi
- Bishop Barnet Kapten of Mombasa
- Rev. Lucy Kahinga
- Pastor Stephen Nderi of Leshuta
- Rev. Isaac of Leshuta
- Rev. Ruth Mitai of Bomet
- Bishop Jonathan Kisotu
- Apostle Cyrus of Lamek and of Ngoswani