God is a God of seasons and timing.

Just as He sent His Son in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4-5), He also sent His Holy Spirit at just the right time … exactly 50 days after Passover.
Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the promised Helper, the Holy Spirit. The arrival of the Holy Spirit fulfilled the promise He made as recorded in John 14:16-17. As we count off the 50 days, it ensures that we never forget the importance of Passover as we anticipate the coming Feast of Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit arrived, as Jesus promised, on the Day of Pentecost. A sound like “a rushing, mighty wind filled the whole house,” and “tongues, as of fire”rested on each disciple. The disciples were then filled with the Spirit and able to speak “with other tongues” (Acts 2:1-4).

The multitudes gathered were amazed “because everyone heard them speak in his own language”(Acts 2:6). The apostle Peter explained that this phenomenon was the fulfillment of what was prophesied in Joel 2:28-32, which says God’s Spirit would be poured out in the last days.

God birthed the early church on the day of Pentecost with a demonstration of His power, like had never happened before.

With this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, God empowered these early believers to work the works of God and literally shake their world declaring that Jesus lives and is who He claimed to be … our resurrected Lord and Savior.

Friend, we are in the countdown of 50 days.

Pentecost is one of His appointed times when He wants to draw close to you … when He invites you to come before Him with your worship and special offerings … to meet with you and bless you with His promises and power.

As Exodus 23 reminds us, we must “celebrate three festivals in [God’s] honor” every year, and “No one may appear before me without an offering” (vs. 14-15 NLT). So not only are we to observe the Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, but we are also to commemorate them with an offering above and beyond our regular tithes.

The Word of God confirms that the Feast of Pentecost is one of His three feasts to be celebrated permanently and that the promises of celebrating Pentecost will continue for all who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior!!!

The promised Blessings of Pentecost are Yours!

June 5th, the Day of Pentecost is your day to reap God’s Feast of Pentecost blessings as you celebrate with worship and by sowing a special Pentecost Blessings Seed.

God promises that as you faithfully celebrate Pentecost, you will receive the seven blessings listed in Exodus 23:20-30.

  1. An angel of God will be assigned to protect you (v. 20).
  2. God will be an enemy to your enemies (v. 22).
  3. He will prosper you (v. 25).
  4. God will take sickness away from you (v. 25).
  5. You will not die before your appointed time (v. 26).
  6. Increase and an inheritance will be yours (v. 30).
  7. God will return what was lost to the enemy (v. 29-30).

Receive your promised Pentecost Blessings by obeying God’s instruction to plant a Pentecost Seed Offering in faith and expectation, believe His promise for your Pentecost Blessings.

Friend, pray and ask God what he would have you give as your Pentecost Blessings seed for your Pentecost Offering.

God has placed significance on the 50th day being Pentecost Sunday … I encourage you to pray about a Pentecost offering of 50 … $50, $100, $150 or your best sacrificial offering and rush it to us before June 5th.

Take these two steps now to receive your promised Pentecost Blessings!

  1. SEND your most urgent prayer requests here so we can pray for your Pentecost Blessings to meet your urgent needs.
  2. PLANT your PENTECOST BLESSINGS SEED Offering by clicking this link:

God has ordained June 5, Pentecost Sunday as your Divine Appointment with Him. With the sowing of Your Pentecost Blessings Seed, you can rightfully claim and expect to reap your harvest of Pentecost Blessings. Give your Pentecost offering by wire transfer today!

Dont miss your Divine Appointment!!!

Friend, as you sow into the Kingdom through our ministry, know that you are sowing into fertile ground as, together, we build God an Army of Holy Spirit empowered believers around the world.  May God richly bless you to overflowing as you faithfully celebrate the Feast of Pentecost.

Your friend,

David Cerullo's signature

P.S. I have received hundreds of testimonies from partners who celebrate God’s special feasts and receive the promises. As you faithfully celebrate The Feast of Pentecost this year, be sure to let me know how God’s blessings overflow in your life. You can respond the form below to send your prayer requests and your testimony of God’s Pentecost Blessings in your life.