Dear Friend,
Runaway inflation … unemployment … foreclosures … bankruptcies … wars … natural, disasters … so many families are under enormous pressure.
I meet many Christians who are facing difficult times in their finances, health, family, or emotions trying to cope with these issues. Like Job and other men and women in the Bible, they’re at the end of their rope, and losing hope.
Friend, no matter what difficult circumstances you may be facing… when it seems you have lost all hope God wants you to know you can turn to Him as your “very present help” in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).

In 1 Kings 17, you will find the story of a little widow woman who had lost all hope. The prophet Elijah was instructed by the Lord to go to this widow woman with what seemed to me an unreasonable request. Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand (v. 11).
This may not seem like a very difficult request, but you have to understand the woman’s situation: I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar; and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die (v. 12).
What a dilemma! This widow had almost nothing left … only a “handful” of flour and a little bit of oil. But you see, this “HANDFUL” was the key to meet this desperate need!
As long as the woman held on to her meager supply of food, that’s all she had. But when she obeyed God’s instructions and released what was in her hand, God intervened in her circumstances and released the supernatural abundance that was in HIS hand!

She chose to obey God’s prophet; the result was a “more than enough” provision: She and he and her household ate for many days. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke by Elijah (vs. 15-16).
From the brink of starvation and death, she experienced life and abundance all because she chose to obey the instruction of the man of God and believe the Lord’s Word to her.
What’s in Your Hand, friend, I believe you can experience the same kind of abundant provision the widow in Zarephath experienced. Your breakthrough starts with being obedient to God with what’s already right in your hand!
What you have in your hand must be released into God’s hand!
Whatever breakthrough you need from Him—whether in your finances, marriage, job, health, or family—the key is surrendering your resources into the hands of the Lord.
When the widow gave God what was in her hand, she became a partner with God in fulfilling His plan for Elijah, for herself, and her entire family.

When you release the seed in your hand … you set in motion your personal harvest AND your hand becomes the hand of Christ extended to a lost and dying world.
With your seed gift for souls today, you help make possible 1,500 souls who will pray the prayer of salvation TODAY … and every day, reaping God’s end-time harvest of souls. That’s how many people are making Jesus the Lord of their life each and every day through the outreaches of MCWE!
Friend, as you sow your seed, I want to thank you by sending a very special book that will ignite your faith through God’s promises for these perilous times. The book is titled:
Yes, your name will be imprinted on the cover and the pages of this personal promise book … it will truly be one-of-a-kind. Every promise in this book is God’s promise of Hope direct from His Word.
You will find God’s promises when you need courage, peace, protection, provision … when you feel anxious, depressed, fearful, lonely …
You will be strengthened with God’s promise to be with you every step of the way as you do battle with the enemy …with doubt … stress … feelings of abandonment when you are deserted by loved ones … or financially troubled … or when you are grieving, sick, and overwhelmed by circumstances.
Friend, this promise book will be yours to help make God’s promises come alive in your life. The power of God’s Word will give you HOPE in your times of trouble. I will send to you, PERSONAL PROMISES OF HOPE with your seed gift $50 or more.
Remember, as long as you hold your seed in your hands, it can’t produce a harvest. Think of it this way, if you were to put a handful of seeds into a jar and put that jar in your pantry and come back in a month or two what would you find? The same jar of seeds. The only way for those seeds to produce a harvest is to plant them, sow them into good soil, water them (with faith and expectancy) and the seed will accomplish its purpose. It will multiply.
Friend, as you are blessed, you can BE a blessing to others— sending the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world. Thank you for taking a step of Faith today to Sow your seed with expectation for a personal harvest and for a harvest of souls.
Your friend and Partner,

David Cerullo
PS: Trust God with your seed and expect a harvest. Sow your seed of $50 or more TODAY and I will send your very special copy of PERSONAL PROMISES OF HOPE as my a “thank you” for your faithful SEED FOR SOULS.


Promises of Hope from God’s Word
- Turn to God’s promises when you need courage, peace, protection, provision … when you feel anxious, depressed, fearful, lonely …
- You will be strengthened with God’s promises to defeat the devil, doubt, stress … when you are deserted by loved ones … financially troubled … grieving, sick, and overwhelmed by circumstances.
Your copy of Personal Promises of Hope will be prepared with your name imprinted on the cover and throughout the pages of this one-of-a-kind book. It will be prepared for you with your Seed gift of $50 or more.