Dear Friend,
This July marks the third anniversary of the homegoing of my dad, Morris Cerullo. On this anniversary of his homegoing, I found myself reflecting on the tremendous impact he had on the lives of so many people throughout his life (I believe you are one of them!).
Dad was a true pioneer in Christian ministry. He was a man of immense faith, complete dedication to his calling, and an unwavering commitment to spreading the gospel around the world.
Over the course of his life, Dad held hundreds of crusades and rallies around the world, reaching millions of people with Christ’s message of salvation and hope. He authored over 80 books and reams of training materials, many of which have been translated into dozens of languages and are still used by pastors and evangelists around the world. He was also a pioneer in Christian broadcasting, producing television and radio programs that reached millions of viewers and listeners.
Through his many books, sermons, and teachings, he inspired countless individuals to deepen their faith and find a more intimate connection with their Father in Heaven.
I am humbled and honored to be carrying forth his mission and ministry. I certainly couldn’t do it without you, our faithful partner. Every seed you have sown through the years continues to produce abundant fruit. I know one day you will meet countless people in Heaven who are there because of your faithful sowing into the Kingdom through MCWE.
Today, we are still busy training Nationals, using technology to broadcast the gospel worldwide, and celebrating the goodness and presence of God through life-changing events here at Legacy.
Key Events in the Life of Dr. Morris Cerullo
As we honor Dad’s memory on this third anniversary of his homegoing and reflect on his life and legacy, would you prayerfully consider making a memorial gift today to continue supporting the work he cared so deeply about? Your generosity will help ensure Dad’s vision for a world transformed by the power of the gospel will thrive, and his call to build God an army will live on.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and may God richly bless you as together we continue to win lost souls for Christ, one soul at a time.
Your Friend,