Beloved, the season of Christmas is upon us!
I invite you to open your Bible to I Samuel 10:1-13 with me.
Saul received an anointing from God … not man. In obedience to God, Samuel took a vial of holy anointing oil and POURED it upon Saul’s head, kissed him and said, “Has not the LORD anointed you ruler over his inheritance” (I Samuel 10:1, NIV)?
After he anointed Saul, Samuel proceeded to reveal to him a series of events that would take place that day which would be a sign to him that God had anointed Saul. Samuel told Saul that Saul was going to meet a procession of prophets who would prophesy.
The Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hands find to do, for God is with you.
I Samuel 10:6-7, NIV
Saul was called and anointed by God for a specific purpose. He was sanctified, consecrated and made holy before God to serve as king over Israel.
With the anointing from God came the divine enablement to fulfill the position as king. From the very day Saul was anointed, he was a changed man. The Spirit of God came upon him and God gave him another heart.
And when [Saul] had turned his back to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart; and all these signs came to pass that day.
I Samuel 10:9, AMPC
As Saul ACTED on the promise from God that he received through God’s prophet. The anointing was released and came upon him AS HE WENT.
Although it is God’s will for you to have a DOUBLE-PORTION ANOINTING upon your life, He requires you to ACT IN FAITH. You must receive God’s promise. Simply believe God will do what He has promised, and ACT upon it! The anointing will be released in your life as you ACT!
Will you ACT today and receive the same anointing as Saul before you?
I wish you and your families the most blessed Christmas! Mama and I will continue to be praying for you this holiday season!
Beloved, I am not sure if you heard yet, but the next World Conference is a couple of weeks away! Receive the same powerful anointing as Saul! The World Conference will be taking place in beautiful San Antonio, Texas on January 2nd – January 6th 2020. Spots are filling up FAST. I strongly urge you to reserve your spot today! Register Now!
Say this faith declaration out loud:
I choose to ACT in faith and receive the anointing released into my life because of it. I promise to follow His will, and His will alone to cherish, celebrate and activate the anointing bestowed on me.
Scripture Readings:
Has not the LORD anointed you ruler over his inheritance?
I Samuel 10:1, NIV
The Spirit of the LORD will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hands find to do, for God is with you.
I Samuel 10:6-7, NIV
And when [Saul] had turned his back to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart; and all these signs came to pass that day.
I Samuel 10:9, AMPC
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After joining our Legacy Global Prayer Community and receiving your free download of my e-book, Lord, Teach Us To Pray, I know your spirit will yearn for more! Feed your spirit with my featured e-course this month titled, The New Anointing. This course will teach you scriptural foundations for receiving and living in the power of the New Anointing. Sign-up now!