We celebrate the inauguration of our new president with the hope that America will find a way to once again be One Nation Under God.
In the midst of this celebration, my heart turns to Israel, and I hear the never-ending cry of God’s Chosen People for peace in Jerusalem.
We pray for President Trump as he pursues a peace plan to end the Hamas War on Isreal, knowing that the Jew’s cry for peace can only be answered by the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings who will set up His Kingdom on earth, the golden age of the Millenium.
This is God’s time, here at the end of time, to cover the nation of Israel with the good news of the Prince of Peace, their true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
To break through this great and effectual door that has opened to us I am launching:
Through Operation Greater Blessing, our Jewish World Outreach will be intensified by three critical initiatives…
OPERATION GREATER BLESSING #1: Through our online Miracle of Salvation video, we are expanding to reach six language groups in Israel with the life-changing invitation for Jews to receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah and pray the Prayer of Salvation.
OPERATION GREATER BLESSING #2: Our compassionate evangelism ministry of providing food and humanitarian aid to victims of war and homeless Jews opens hearts to share the love of the true Messiah.
OPERATION GREATER BLESSING #3: In addition to supporting Messianic congregations in Israel and providing the spiritual weapons of war to victims in Israel, we have arranged to help provide bulletproof vests to Jews who are directly in the line of fire.
And I will bless them that bless thee … (Genesis 12:3)
There has never been a clearer, direct, unalterable covenant promise of blessings to those who bless the Jew. It is our promise of favor to the generations of us who are in the bloodline of Jesus Christ.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6)
This is God’s covenant of favor to prosper you when pray for peace in Jerusalem. When you anoint your giving with your prayers, God’s unchanging promise is His blessing of favor and prosperity upon you, your family, and generations to come.
When you plant your precious seed into Operation Greater Blessing you will seal the promise of God’s Covenant of Blessing.
Friend, I invite you now to join me and anoint your Greater Blessing Seed Gift with your prayers, asking God for the Greater Blessing Seed Gift He would want you to give.
This is God’s time for the Jew. The door is wide open now before Jesus returns to lead seeking Jews into the reality of their Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Plant your seed into Operation Greater Blessing and together we will believe God for His Favor of Blessing and Prosperity to be released into your life.
With your Greater Blessing Seed, I want to plant a Seed of Blessing into your life: this amazing original work of art, The Blessing.
It is the only blessing God gave directly to the High Priest to give to His people. It is a blessing of favor promised to you and your family.
The Blessing is my seed into your life with my prayer that it will be your point of contact for your year for God’s Blessing of Favor to rest upon you and your family.
You’ll notice that the symbol of God’s blessing is the hummingbird. The hummingbird is tiniest of birds, demonstrating God’s loving provision and protection … a picture of God’s divine favor in action. If God lavishes such care on the smallest of His creatures, how much more will He care for you?
I have this original work of art in my office to forever remind me of Mom’s legacy of grace and favor she so beautifully demonstrated in her life and ministry as a co-laborer with Dad.
I would love to place this same work of art in your home
Friend, my greatest joy is to join hands with you to send the message of the Prince of Peace, the Messiah, Jesus Christ to seeking Jews in Israel. With your Greater Blessing Seed Gift, you are planting your seed into the promise of the Blessing of Favor upon you and your family.
Your Friend and Partner,

David Cerullo
I have taken this original work of art, The Blessing, and mounted it in a stunning gold gilded frame, which is an exact replica of what is mounted in my office.
I will thank you for your special Greater Blessing Seed Gift of $150 or more by delivering this complete framed wall mount to your home.
Pray about the amount God would lay on your heart. Allow me the privilege of showing my gratitude for your faithfulness by presenting to you The Blessing, beautifully framed, ready to place in your home as a forever promise of God’s Blessing of Favor upon you and your family.