Write your most pressing and urgent needs on the Passover Prayer Altar. Believe God for your promise as a child of God you are Favored by the Blood.

Your name and your Seed of Sacrifice will be placed before the Lord during our Passover Communion Service on April 12, beginning at 7:00PM Pacific Daylight Time.

Presenting The Passover Communion Gift Set

Experience the Promise of the Power of the Blood Through the Passover Lord’s Supper

  • Two Silver-Plated Chalices
  • Fruit of the Vine (Grape juice) and Bread
  • Includes your special Guide: Celebrating the Lord’s Supper with Jesus and the Apostles
  • Presented in your personal Communion Gift Box
  • The Blood Covenant
  • Communion Elements

This commemorative Passover Communion Gift Set is yours as my Thank You gift for your Seed of Sacrifice of $250  $100 or more to carry the message of redemption to a lost and dying world.

With your gift of any amount, I will promptly send your Communion Elements in time for the Passover Communion Service. If you give a Seed of Sacrifice of $50 or more, I will also include The Blood Covenant along with your personal Communion Elements.