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  • Three button, blue collared shirt with the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Logo. Size Medium.
  • Three button, blue collared shirt with the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Logo. Size Large.
  • Through this 30-day devotional, you can walk day by day into God’s promise of increase and abundance our Heavenly Father has ordained for you.
  • Every day as you journey on your 30 Days to Increase, you can hide God’s direct, eternal, unalterable promise of increase in your heart through your 30 Personal Promises of Increase. God’s Word will ignite your faith for increase.
  • The Land Between provides fresh biblical insight for people traveling through undesired and difficult transitions such as foreclosure, unemployment, uncertainty, and failure. Such times provide our greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. God desires to meet us in our chaos and emotional upheaval, and he intends for us to encounter his goodness and provision, his hope and guidance.
  • Celebrate your Jewish Roots! The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates and remembers God's liberation of Israel from Egypt. It also foreshadow's Christ's sacrifice on the cross. This small pamphlet shows the parallels between the Passover in the Old Testament and the work of Jesus Christ as the perfect Passover lamb in the New Testament. This is a good way of explaining the Jewish roots of Christianity. Pamphlet also includes a Christian Passover Seder script, with everything you will need, including the recipes. In addition the pamphlet also offers insights into the symbolism in the Lord's Supper and the Last Supper Jesus shared with his disciples. 13 page laminated pamphlet from Rose.
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