Throughout the pages of this eBook, you will take a spiritual journey back through time.

  • You will first follow in the footsteps of Elijah, as he stands boldly before Ahab and declares God’s judgment.
  • You will sit with Elijah at the brook Cherith and accompany Elijah to the widow’s house.
  • You will witness the supernatural provision of God in a time of famine and the raising of the dead.
  • You will stand with Elijah on Mount Carmel as the fire falls from heaven
  • You will travail with Elijah in prayer
  • You will experience Elijah’s anguish as he flees for his life.

As you take this journey, the eBook will weave together a spiritual pattern for the supernatural mantle that must rest upon YOUR own life. Read this as if you are receiving the mantle and experience the unique double-portion anointing to impact the world.