Sale!Order the full 6-DVD Morris Cerullo How To Win The Battle OF the Tongue School of Ministry set and discover:
- Life And Death Are In The Power Of Your Tongue!
- Turn Defeat Into Victory By Controlling Your Tongue!
- Set A Watch Over Your Tongue!
- Speak The Word With Power And Authority!
- God's Word In Your Mouth Is A Powerful Living Force!
- Speak The Word In The Power And Authority Of Christ!
- Speak God's Word Into Your Circumstances!
Understanding that death and life are in the power of the tongue is the primary focus of this eBook. Apply how to control the tongue to be victorious in your life today. Expect to learn every day uses to set a watch over YOUR tongue with practical application and strategies. Learn how to examine how God's Word in YOUR mouth is a powerful and living force that will work to develop a relationship in which the Word of God is lived out. Now, is the time to take what Almighty God has blessed you with and confess the PROMISE of HIS Word!
Download only Is It God's Will To Heal You Today? Dr. Cerullo reveals examples from the Bible that will help you to understand and access the tools needed to receive Biblical healing. Learn how to use those tools, and why it is God's will to heal you! Your faith in God, the almighty physician, is the main component of the healing process. Get Yours Now!
In this powerful message, Dr. David Regan explores Israel’s unique role in End Times prophecy, the spiritual forces opposing it, and what lies ahead for the Jewish people. Key Topics Dr. Regan Addresses: • Why has Israel survived repeated persecution? • What’s behind the worldwide protests against Israel? • Does Israel have a future hope of survival? BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
Download Only It’s Time for the Church to Grow Up Did you know that you are a people of spiritual destiny? In this book, you will learn to look beyond your limits and take your position as a son or daughter with full sonship rights. Reach your full stature by being wholly yielded to the Holy Spirit. As you read this eBook, be continually transformed into Christ's image. Believe to go into full maturity as you enter an experience of the truth!
All TRUTH IS PARALLEL – what you see with your physical eyes and comprehend with your natural mind can be connected with the spiritual truths in the spiritual realm. When you see the position that Jesus has as your High Priest, your faith will have a firm, lasting foundation.