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  • By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
  • By: David Cerullo Download Only Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW! Get Your eBook Now!
  • Download only God's Answer to Heal Your Deep Hurts No matter how deep your wounds are, no matter how great your emotional pain, God can heal it. He, and He alone can turn your sorrow into joy. God understands. Don't let your situation conquer you. He is waiting to take your burden off your shoulders. He is standing ready to lift your pain and relieve your hurt! This word will reach deep into your heart and lift the burden of your pain! Read it today, and let God conquer your pain. Get your copy, now!
  • Demonic power is real. It can grab hold of a person, drag them into despair, and ruin their lives. There are many fears that hold us back from reaching our potential in Christ. Through the power of God, I will teach you a special revelation of insight to deliver you and lead you into victory!
  • Journey Into The Promised Land

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    This powerful devotional guide is drawn from the dynamic revelations and inspirational teachings of Dr. Morris Cerullo. It features true illustrations, practical applications, and biblical teaching on such life-changing topics as conquering the flesh, fulfilling your destiny and possessing the land! A must-have for every believer!
  • The question Why do the righteous suffer? is one of the most perplexing questions that ever comes upon the hearts and minds of those in distress, but there is an answer. If God is such a God of love and mercy, why is there war? Why is there sorrow? Why is there so much sickness and pain in the world? These are related questions that perplex hearts. You will find the answers to these and other questions as you enter this book. Not only will you find answers, you will find victory…victory for every battle, victory for every trial, victory for every single circumstance of your life!
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    • who God blesses, and
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    God has marked you to be blessed with all He has and all He is! God's blessing means total well-being! It is God's desire to release His unlimited blessing upon you! When you finish reading about God's commanded blessing, you will fully understand why God wants to bless you in order that you can be a blessing to others! Order Your Copy Today!


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