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  • Download Only Understanding Your Calling Ministry is not confined to those who stand behind the pulpit. We are called to imitate the ministry example that was set before us by our Lord. God has a plan for you, and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life begins by having a true understanding of what He has called you to do. As you read this eBook, ask God to renew your mind and open your eyes to see what He intends your life to be so that you can understand your calling. Get yours today!
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    • How to have the faith of God, without struggling.
    • What to do when Satan challenges our authority.
    Learn how you can be used by God, live in the supernatural, and spiritually go beyond where you are now. Move into God’s power today. Get Yours Now!
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    • Why is there sorrow?
    • Why is there so much sickness and pain in the world?
    • Why do the righteous suffer?
    You will find the answers to these, and other questions as you read this book. Not only will you find answers, you will find victory … victory for every battle, trial, and circumstance of your life! Don't Miss it! Own it today!


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