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  • Download only Why Do The Righteous Suffer This eBook reveals answers to some of the most perplexing questions that ever come upon the hearts and minds of those in distress.
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    • Why is there sorrow?
    • Why is there so much sickness and pain in the world?
    • Why do the righteous suffer?
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  • Overcome Satan's seven strategies for the cycle of defeat as you learn how to wage war with the enemy in the real battlefield of your mind. You will learn tactics for overcoming depression, oppression, obsession, temptation, fear, demonic possession, delusion, and deception. This exciting book will change your life!
  • With Christ in the School of Prayer is an absolute must-have for those who are really serious about intercession and are ready to move into a new level of strategic, warfare prayer. This dimension of prayer is beyond the normal, traditional type of prayer. It is prayer that supersedes our natural minds and moves into the supernatural to take hold of the impossible.
  • This is the 265-page textbook for the Morris Cerullo Declaring War on the Devil's War School of Ministry course and can be downloaded immediately! Chapters include:
    • The Greatest Warfare Ever Known
    • There Can Be No Victory Until You Locate Your Real Enemy
    • Satan’s Origin and Motivation
    • The Christian And Demon Possession
    • God’s Armor Against Satan’s Attack
    • Your Powerful Weapon Of Intercessory Prayer
    • Your Powerful Weapon Of Speaking The Word
    • The Power Of Binding And Loosing
    • Fasting and Faith And much more!
  • Together we will believe God for you to step into a whole new level of God’s favor in your finances, your health, your career, and your relationships.
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    Are you ready for YOUR miraculous INCREASE in 2024, unlike any other blessing you’ve ever received? These three powerful teachings walk you through key biblical principles for strengthening your prayer life, waiting on God, and living a life of abundance as God intended.
    • God’s Prophetic Financial Plan for Your Life! With more than seven hours of breakthrough teachings, Morris Cerullo give you the spiritual tools to release God’s creative power within. Discover God’s prophetic plan for you to obtain wealth, to live and prosper under His financial anointing. Turn your financial situations around. It IS God’s will for you to prosper! (This $40 value is yours as part of this unique special!)
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    • Soaring Over Life’s Storms The key to God’s overcoming power is through a divine exchange – your weakness for His strength. This powerful teaching reveals how fervent praying and waiting on God will build your faith to soar over life’s storms.


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