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  • Download only You Were Made for Miracles! In The Miracle Book, you will learn how God wants you to live in a new rhythm and in a new way of life, where miracles are a natural occurrence. Whether it is a miracle that provides food for you and your family, whether it is a miracle that directs you where to go, whether it is a miracle that shows you what to do, or whether it is a miracle that heals your body or mind, your life can be filled with miracles. Learn how to believe God for a miracle in your life. Get your copy today!
  • Download only Marked for God's Commanded Blessing As you read this eBook, the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your understanding to discover:
    • how God blesses,
    • who God blesses, and
    • the requirements to receive God's blessing.
    God has marked you to be blessed with all He has and all He is! God's blessing means total well-being! It is God's desire to release His unlimited blessing upon you! When you finish reading about God's commanded blessing, you will fully understand why God wants to bless you in order that you can be a blessing to others! Order Your Copy Today!
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