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  • Three button, blue collared shirt with the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Logo. Size Medium.
  • Three button, blue collared shirt with the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Logo. Size Small.
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to take you into the Presence of God in a new and refreshing way.  You will enter into prayer victories and overcome every obstacle that has held you in the past.  Doors to the kingdom of heaven and all of its blessing will become much more of a reality to you! You will find yourself pressing through to a NEW experience of prayer power that will bring you prayer victories never before experienced!
  • These two powerful, classic DVD message were preached under an incredibly heavy anointing before thousands of my partners. This message will take you to a new level of breakthrough in your prayers. The message on Prayer and Intercession will change your life in a might way!
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power.
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power.
  • … They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles … (Isaiah 40:31). Soaring Over Life’s Storms, reveals to you how God’s unlimited power is going to be released into your life. The secret from the prophet of God will activate the miracle answers you need for your victory!
  • What would it be life for you to experience freedom from every hurt? God wants to bring you into an experience of 100% victory over every area of your life. You will be taken step by step, into God’s plan for your complete and total restoration.
  • A powerful, life changing, end-time prophetic transcript on salvation, with the message of the coming return of our Lord!
  • With Christ in the School of Prayer is an absolute must-have for those who are really serious about intercession and are ready to move into a new level of strategic, warfare prayer. This dimension of prayer is beyond the normal, traditional type of prayer. It is prayer that supersedes our natural minds and moves into the supernatural to take hold of the impossible.
  • God Preserves, Protects and Prospers His People, you will fully understand God’s prophetic plan for the Jews, Israel, and you. You will understand how they can be persecuted, yet still set apart ad God’s “chosen” people for His end-time purpose.
  • Discover the nine diabolical strategies Satan has in his evil arsenal of weapons. He will try to aim them at you, your family, your finances and your ministry. His deceptive tricks include keeping Christians in spiritual ignorance, and speaking lies to lure you into a spiritual sleep. But, you can know the dangers ahead and be prepared to win the war against the devil! In 9 Strategies of Satan, Morris Cerullo reveals God’s spiritual strategies that you can use to counter the attacks of Satan, overcome his strategic plan, and win the spiritual war!
  • All TRUTH IS PARALLEL – what you see with your physical eyes and comprehend with your natural mind can be connected with the spiritual truths in the spiritual realm. When you see the position that Jesus has as your High Priest, your faith will have a firm, lasting foundation.
  • Discover how your faithfulness leads to a life filled with God's Power to overcome your struggles, and the burdens you face in your daily life.
  • Be delivered from feelings of fear, discouragement, depression, stress, weariness, worry, and doubt! This book is a powerful training resource that exposes Satan's plan against you, your finances, your family, and your ministry. Learn how to stop Satan’s plan and enter into God’s cycle of 100 percent victory!
  • Receive the following in this Virtual School of Ministry Bundle: The New Anointing The New Proof Producers (Revised) Miracle Book God’s Faith – A Supernatural Life Source … Battle of the Tongue Divine Appointment With Destiny Prayer Classic – Lord Teach Us to Pray Unity in the Spirit
  • By: Steve Munsey Even a first-time reader of the Old Testament cannot help but notice that the seven feasts given by God to the children of Israel were uniquely meaningful. These were God’s own holy days, and specific instructions were given.
  • Sale!
    The Financial Freedom Bible includes economic caveats and financial wisdom gleaned by Dr. Morris Cerullo from my more than six decades of experience as a leading international Christian minister. This one-of-a-kind Bible has the answers to financial crises sweeping the world and is a must-read for every concerned individual, family, business person, entrepreneur, and nation. Includes the following features:
    • Over 1,600 pages of chain-referenced commentaries, charts, and illustrations
    • Easy-to-follow symbols
    • Easy to read print
    • Power principles for successful business
    • God's cycle of supernatural provision
    • Includes a bookmark with financial freedom symbols and the eight laws of the harvest
    Get yours today!
  • HaShem is a 365-day devotional with Daily Revelation and life-changing truths on the NAMES of GOD. This powerful daily devotional will literally revolutionize your life as you take hold of it, and walk through this year, with DAILY REVELATION of WHO GOD IS ... as revealed in HIS NAMES ... and WHAT HE PROMISES TO DO in your life, as you take hold of this revelation of HIS NAME. This commanding daily devotional will give you a profound new experience with the God of the universe, who wants to have a closer, deeper walk with you as you learn Who He really is. CANADA purchase UK/EUROPE purchase
  • Sale!
    Order the full 6-DVD Morris Cerullo How To Win The Battle OF the Tongue School of Ministry set and discover:
    • Life And Death Are In The Power Of Your Tongue!
    • Turn Defeat Into Victory By Controlling Your Tongue!
    • Set A Watch Over Your Tongue!
    • Speak The Word With Power And Authority!
    • God's Word In Your Mouth Is A Powerful Living Force!
    • Speak The Word In The Power And Authority Of Christ!
    • Speak God's Word Into Your Circumstances!
  • We are living in a time when there are circumstance that come against us in life that can make us feel overwhelmed … circumstances that bring stress and worry, which can lead to discouragement, depression and spiritual burnout, as well as physical ailments and sicknesses. In a world where stress and worry have created some of the biggest threats to your spiritual and physical health, God has given Dr. Cerullo the keys to overcome Satan's attack.
  • You will discover spiritual strategies to overcoming and slaying your giants – the circumstances and situation in your life.
  • In this exciting revelation, you will discover the powerful, spiritual secrets that Jacob learned. He could have been defeated by his own character flaws, fear, depression, enemies, and circumstances.
  • Christ is coming for a holy, anointed, OVERCOMING Church! He is building His Church and He said, "...the gates of hell shall not prevail against us!" His purpose for the Church is, and always has been, to transform us into a powerful, victorious, overcoming CHURCH!


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