God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power. Get Your eBook Today!
This book is not just another message, or teaching, on faith. In this book you will receive the faith of God that is able to move mountains; that makes the impossible possible; that never wavers; and that never fails to produce results! God wants to give you an experience! He wants to take you into a new, more powerful dimension of faith than you ever thought was possible. He wants you to have a full revelation within your spirit of the kind of faith that He planned for you to have operating in your life from the beginning. Order Yours Today!
Miracle's Voice is a behind-the-scenes look at the life and ministry of one of God's choice servants, Kathryn Kuhlman. In this stunning biography, you will learn how God took her from a humble beginning, as a 14-year-old, red-headed, freckle-faced young girl living on a farm, and raised her up to stand before multiplied thousands to proclaim His Word, and use His power to work miracles. Highlights include:
- An account of Kathryn's life and ministry by author Dick Ross
- Behind-the-scenes, off camera, picture.
- The pain that threatened to destroy Kathryn's personal life, and ministry.
- A woman in love with, and committed to Jesus.
- And, much more!
Sale!Order the full 6-DVD Morris Cerullo How To Win The Battle OF the Tongue School of Ministry set and discover:
- Life And Death Are In The Power Of Your Tongue!
- Turn Defeat Into Victory By Controlling Your Tongue!
- Set A Watch Over Your Tongue!
- Speak The Word With Power And Authority!
- God's Word In Your Mouth Is A Powerful Living Force!
- Speak The Word In The Power And Authority Of Christ!
- Speak God's Word Into Your Circumstances!
You may not come from a rich family, or have received a financial windfall ... but God has given you an inheritance that is far greater! Right now is God’s time for you to receive it!
Have you prayed and asked God for healing, financial help, or resolution to family problems, but feel as though God has not answered your prayers? You may feel that God has overlooked you, as you hear testimonies of Christians all around you who seem to have virtually every prayer answered miraculously. If you relate to what I am saying, then this message is for you! In this book you will experience God’s answer to every prayer you have ever prayed. Don’t miss it! Order Today!
These two powerful, classic DVD message were preached under an incredibly heavy anointing before thousands of my partners. This message will take you to a new level of breakthrough in your prayers. The message on Prayer and Intercession will change your life in a might way!
God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit.
Morris Cerullo’s new Prayer & Intercession, devotional CD, will lead you to believe in the promise of miracles, as you listen to some of the most anointed prayer devotions in his over 70 years of ministry.
Order now, and listen to the beautiful, original music with Brother Cerullo's spoken words that confirm God's promises of healing.
Never before has there been a greater need for Christians to know how to pray with power, to pray prayers that are beyond ordinary prayer, and that are divinely energized and charged by the Holy Spirit!
Prepare to have a new understanding and hunger for prayer as you exercise the principles taught in the Breakthrough Prayer Bundle and personally experience the effect and force that the power of prayer has on your life. This dynamic prayer package includes:
- The Pathway to Abundance book by Morris Cerullo reveals that the pathway to abundance is reached by first taking the pathway to prayer. At the core of his teachings lies the inspiring story of Jabez – a gold mine filled with God’s wisdom uncovering the power of prayer.
- Experience The Power of Prayer and Intercession like never before with a collection of 8 anointed devotions. Explore God’s will, guidance, refuge, grace, and power through beautiful compositions crafted to elevate these special messages of hope for you to meditate on in prayer.
- Gaining new authority through your faith will empower you to demolish any strongholds the enemy may want to place in your life. Morris Cerullo’s book, The Last Great Anointing, will prepare you to face spiritual battles with confidence and courage.
- This New Level of Strategic Spiritual Warfare Prayer is the perfect way to learn how to become a mighty intercessor! This book will catapult your spiritual journey in ways you can’t even imagine. Be energized and charged up by the Holy Spirit as you discover a new, all-consuming passion for prayer.
- Whether you’re hoping for a miracle in your emotions, finances, marriage, or even the breaking of generational curses, the School of Healing Prayer Cards have been designed to help bring divine fortitude into every aspect of your life that needs heavenly aid.
Download Only Lord, Teach Us To Pray Enter into a powerful, prophetic anointing that will spill over into dimensions that have only been known by Old Testament prophets! You will learn how to:
- receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing;
- recognize, and deal with hindrances to answered prayer;
- persevere in prayer;
- and go beyond ordinary prayer to a new, higher level of intercession.
This powerful devotional guide is drawn from the dynamic revelations and inspirational teachings of Dr. Morris Cerullo. It features true illustrations, practical applications, and biblical teaching on such life-changing topics as conquering the flesh, fulfilling your destiny and possessing the land! A must-have for every believer!
Download only Through Moments of Challenge The insight in this devotional is drawn from Theresa Cerullo's personl lifetime of ministry experience, and her dedication to the call of God. This book will strengthen you, encourage you, and make you both laugh, and cry. It will teach you how to always trust God, no matter what circumstances you may be going through, because God does all things well, and has plans to do you good, and not evil. Get Yours Now!
Demonic power is real. It can grab hold of a person, drag them into despair, and ruin their lives. There are many fears that hold us back from reaching our potential in Christ. Through the power of God, I will teach you a special revelation of insight to deliver you and lead you into victory!
As you read this book, the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your understanding to discover, as never before:
- how God blesses,
- who God blesses, and
- the requirements to receive God's blessing.
Overcome Satan's seven strategies for the cycle of defeat as you learn how to wage war with the enemy in the real battlefield of your mind. You will learn tactics for overcoming depression, oppression, obsession, temptation, fear, demonic possession, delusion, and deception. This exciting book will change your life!
Receive the following in this Virtual School of Ministry Bundle: The New Anointing The New Proof Producers (Revised) Miracle Book God’s Faith – A Supernatural Life Source … Battle of the Tongue Divine Appointment With Destiny Prayer Classic – Lord Teach Us to Pray Unity in the Spirit
“God has blessed me with these anointed prayers for you to bring you healing, and miracles.” –Morris Cerullo You will learn to pray anointed prayers for:
- Salvation;
- Rededication of Family Members;
- Physical and Spiritual Healing;
- Deliverance;
- Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit;
- Financial Prosperity;
- Personal Ministry, and more.
HaShem is a 365-day devotional with Daily Revelation and life-changing truths on the NAMES of GOD. This powerful daily devotional will literally revolutionize your life as you take hold of it, and walk through this year, with DAILY REVELATION of WHO GOD IS ... as revealed in HIS NAMES ... and WHAT HE PROMISES TO DO in your life, as you take hold of this revelation of HIS NAME. This commanding daily devotional will give you a profound new experience with the God of the universe, who wants to have a closer, deeper walk with you as you learn Who He really is. CANADA purchase UK/EUROPE purchase