How To Win The Battle For Your Mind is a training manual for anyone who may be feeling the pressure of the world in their mind and circumstances. This study guide offers you time-proven guidelines to help you overcome fear, worry, guilt, and depression. Some of the topics include: • Satan's power over our mind has been broken • Strengthen your mind for battle • Arm yourself with the mind of Christ • Depression is a matter of choice Each chapter contains daily Bible meditations that will help strengthen and prepare you for the victory that you need.
The revelation inside the pages of this book is life transforming. Until God gave me this revelation, I had no idea that Scriptures I had circled even as a child would have special significance in the years to come.
By: David Cerullo Are you tired of living in the land of not enough or barely enough? Your heavenly Father loves you and wants to bless you with more than enough! Imagine what your life could be like with more than enough energy. More than enough time. More than enough joy. And more than enough financial resources for you to bless others through the overflowing abundance God has given you. As you read this powerful message to transform every area of your life, you will never be the same. God's Word is your title deed to a new land...The Land of More Than Enough!
God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power.
Gaining new authority through your faith will empower you to demolish any strongholds the enemy may want to place in your life. Morris Cerullo’s book, The Last Great Anointing, will prepare you to face spiritual battles with confidence and courage.
Troubles are just beginning in Shadowcore, where an earthquake and molten rock nearly ends their mission in fiery disaster. Two burning questions remain: Does the Sun really exist…and is Treads dead? When you order The Legends of Lightfall, you will also receive a free download of the Application Guide (10 pages) to bring home the message in each story of The Legends of Lightfall saga. This companion resource is designed to engage young readers and equip families, teachers, and leaders with biblical truths to help children grow emotionally and spiritually.
In The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Scott reveals Solomon’s hidden treasures–often-overlooked wisdom for achieving breakthrough success in your work, health, marriage, and relationship with God. You will discover how to… · master life’s most important skill · resolve any conflict and turn enemies into allies · overcome the most destructive force in relationships · prevent the single greatest cause of financial loss · experience true fulfillment in every area of life
Together we will believe God for you to step into a whole new level of God’s favor in your finances, your health, your career, and your relationships.
Three button, blue collared shirt with the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center Logo. Size Small.
What is the real source of evil behind the Council of Power and Light? Pursued by General Broga, our heroes discover a shocking answer as they enter the heart of darkness in the city of Shadowcore. When you order The Legends of Lightfall, you will also receive a free download of the Application Guide (10 pages) to bring home the message in each story of The Legends of Lightfall saga. This companion resource is designed to engage young readers and equip families, teachers, and leaders with biblical truths to help children grow emotionally and spiritually.
The Our Father Who Art in Heaven 2-Layer Throw is a versatile, colorful, and durable 46" x 60" blanket that will brighten up any space. Use it as a throw, wrap, or picnic blanket: it's perfect for your bed, couch, or a blank wall to add a pop of color.
The "Flowers of the Field" Necklace is a must-have for any woman who values both style and the Land where Jesus walked. Featuring a unique selection of flowers that were grown in the Land of Israel, this jewelry embodies the beauty and abundance of this sacred place.
In The Final Countdown: Revealing Today’s Headlines That Point to the Soon Return of Jesus Christ!, Pastor Tom Hughes explores dealing with pressing issues in our world today, including: • The National Problem • The Christian Problem • The Jewish Problem • The Israel Problem Ultimately, he highlights the devil’s unsolvable challenge—Jesus is coming back, and nothing can stop Him!" BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
Hear from our End Time Prophecy Conference teachers who are some of the leading Bible prophecy experts from across the globe as they field compelling questions from conference attendees! BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In Spirit of Antichrist – The Gathering Cloud of Deception, Dr. JB Hixson delves into End Times prophecy, the Last Days, and God’s Plan of the Ages. He guides us through key passages on the Antichrist, revealing scriptural names and the source of it’s power. This eye-opening teaching also exposes the 7 Manifestations of the spirit of Antichrist at work today: 1. The spirit of pretense 2. The spirit of phenomena 3. The spirit of pride 4. The spirit of power 5. The spirit of persecution 6. The spirit of perversion 7. The spirit of pluralism BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In The Rapture – The Moment Your World Changes Forever!, Dr. JB Hixson guides us through scripture, uncovering two key biblical truths about this pivotal event. 10 Things Those Who Are Left Behind Will Experience 1. A Global Confusion 2. A False Explanation 3. An Unprecedented Deception 4. An Intense Lamentation 5. A Dispensational Transition 6. A Withdrawn Protection 7. An Evil Revelation 8. A Worldwide Conversion 9. A Geo-Political Reorganization 10. A Fearful Expectation BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
This is an urgent message from Dr. James Garlow revealing “Eleven Prophetic Signs Currently Happening in Israel that You Need to Know!” Dr. Garlow walks us through the parallels of scripture with current events that point to prophetic signs happening in Israel: • Vineyards, Samaria • Jacob’s Spotted Sheep • Dead Sea • Shofars • Discoveries o Gilgal o Joshua’s Altar • Red Heifers • Mt. Olives • The Third Temple • Artifacts from the Birthplace of the Messiah • Finding the Tower of the Flock BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In this eye-opening message, 666: How Close Are We to the Mark of the Beast?, Dr. Don Perkins shares biblical insights and answers to pressing end-time questions. Dr. Perkins will discuss topics such as: 1. What is not the Mark of the Beast. 2. What is the Mark of the Beast? 3. How will this Mark come into use and how long will it be enforced? 4. Who will receive this Mark and why? 5. Conditioning today’s society to receive the Mark of the Beast. 6. What happens to those who take the Mark of the Beast? 7. A Warning to the World regarding the Mark of the Beast. BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In this must-see message, “Post-Election America in Prophecy!”, Dr. David Reagan reminds us: 1. How God Deals with a Rebellious Nation He Has Blessed a. He raises up prophetic voices to call the nation to repentance b. He places remedial judgements upon the nation c. He delivers the nation from judgement to destruction BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In this powerful message, Dr. Nathan Jones answers 3 Essential Questions, unveils 10 Prophetic Signs from today’s world events, reveals 1 Critical Key, and gives 5 Life-Changing Applications to prepare for Jesus' return! Discover the Answers to 3 Urgent Questions: 1. When will the Temple fall? 2. What are the signs of the end of the age? 3. What will signal Jesus’ coming? BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
Dr. Don Perkins delivers a timely teaching on the Millennium Kingdom, offering an in-depth look at Christ’s future rule and what it means for believers. Key Topics Covered: • What is the Millennial Reign of Christ? • The Order of Events Leading to Christ's Rule • Different Views on This 1,000-Year Period • The Promise of His Reign in Scripture • What Believers Will Be Doing in the Millennium • Living Conditions During the 1,000-Year Reign • Scriptural Evidence for Christ’s Reign BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
In this powerful message, Dr. David Regan explores Israel’s unique role in End Times prophecy, the spiritual forces opposing it, and what lies ahead for the Jewish people. Key Topics Dr. Regan Addresses: • Why has Israel survived repeated persecution? • What’s behind the worldwide protests against Israel? • Does Israel have a future hope of survival? BUY THE COMPLETE SET!
This beautiful melamine Jewish Passover Seder Plate features the names and images of the traditional foods of the Passover Meal in both Hebrew and English.
Too many of us settle for a listless life of mundane routine. We long to discover a greater purpose for our lives, but we don't know how. Dr. Robert Jeffress has an encouraging message for people looking for something more. God not only wants us to enjoy an extraordinary life, he has provided a roadmap for doing so. In this inspiring and motivating book, Dr. Jeffress reveals seven secrets from Elijah that result in a life marked by significance, satisfaction, and success, including:
- discovering your unique purpose in life
- waiting on God's timing learning
- how to handle bad days
- and more
The Land Between provides fresh biblical insight for people traveling through undesired and difficult transitions such as foreclosure, unemployment, uncertainty, and failure. Such times provide our greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. God desires to meet us in our chaos and emotional upheaval, and he intends for us to encounter his goodness and provision, his hope and guidance.
Every day as you journey on your 30 Days to Increase, you can hide God’s direct, eternal, unalterable promise of increase in your heart through your 30 Personal Promises of Increase. God’s Word will ignite your faith for increase.