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  • Discover how you can walk in total financial freedom. Learn how to live under and open heaven and experience God's continual manifestations of God's promised blessings upon your life?
  • Discover how your faithfulness leads to a life filled with God's Power to overcome your struggles, and the burdens you face in your daily life.
  • How to Pray covers subjects not found in traditional books on prayer. From over 70 years of experience in global ministry, Dr. Morris Cerullo shares how you can receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing, a powerful anointing that will spill over into dimensions of your life that have only been known by Old Testament prophets.
  • This book takes a prophetic look at the current financial crisis, including a warning concerning a coming, end-time, worldwide economic shaking that will throw the entire world into a state of great financial perplexity. Nothing will be able to stop it. There will be no solution outside of what you read and receive in this book.
  • By: David Cerullo Do you need God’s supernatural intervention in your life? Are you searching for a life-changing miracle in your body, soul, spirit, marriage, job, or finances? Then How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need. Jesus is reaching His mighty hand and asking you, “What do you want me to do for you?” This book by David Cerullo’ provides the insight you need to answer Him. Our loving Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He has never stopped intervening in His children’s lives with His mighty, life-changing miracles. How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need from Him!
  • All TRUTH IS PARALLEL – what you see with your physical eyes and comprehend with your natural mind can be connected with the spiritual truths in the spiritual realm. When you see the position that Jesus has as your High Priest, your faith will have a firm, lasting foundation.
  • Journey Into The Promised Land

    Suggested Price $20.00
    This powerful devotional guide is drawn from the dynamic revelations and inspirational teachings of Dr. Morris Cerullo. It features true illustrations, practical applications, and biblical teaching on such life-changing topics as conquering the flesh, fulfilling your destiny and possessing the land! A must-have for every believer!
  • Faith begins at the point that the will of God is known. The greatest two days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born. The burning questions of every believer’s life are: "Lord, who are You?" and "What will you have me to do?" Knowing God's Will For Your Life may be the most important message you will ever read! In Knowing God's Will for Your Life, you will discover: • How to unleash the power of your renewed mind! • How to see yourself as God sees you. • The commandment that looses God's guidance. • How to destroy Satan's lies over your life...and more!
  • Live In His Glory

    Suggested Price $10.00
    This powerful teaching will help you discover what true worship really is and how it can literally change your life. Jesus said, But the hour ccometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:23).
  • The revelation inside the pages of this book is life transforming. Until God gave me this revelation, I had no idea that Scriptures I had circled even as a child would have special significance in the years to come.
  • Dr. Cerullo takes us on a great journey of faith and wholeness as we learn from his special revelation for facing life's challenges. Understand how God wants to work in your life today. The greatest power in the whole world is the power of faith in God!
  • As you read this book, the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of your understanding to discover, as never before:
    • how God blesses,
    • who God blesses, and
    • the requirements to receive God's blessing.
    Dr. Morris Cerullo has prepared a comprehensive collection of every blessing in Scripture. God has marked you to be blessed with all He has and all He is! God's blessing means total well-being! It is God's desire to release His unlimited blessing upon you! When you finish reading this book about God's commanded blessing, you will fully understand why God wants to bless you in order that you can be a blessing to others! Order your copy today!
  • By: Morris Cerullo In every one of our lives, there are defining moments- moments where you come face to face with the truth, and then that truth challenges you to change. Read of the defining moment where Morris Cerullo heard God say “Son, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He was witnessing miracles then, and continue to see and hear of God doing countless miracles since. Read of the many stories that Morris believe God was alluding to when He said those powerful words to him. Now you can receive those words over your life- You haven’t seen anything yet!
  • By: David Cerullo Are you tired of living in the land of not enough or barely enough? Your heavenly Father loves you and wants to bless you with more than enough! Imagine what your life could be like with more than enough energy. More than enough time. More than enough joy. And more than enough financial resources for you to bless others through the overflowing abundance God has given you. As you read this powerful message to transform every area of your life, you will never be the same. God's Word is your title deed to a new land...The Land of More Than Enough!
  • By: Tommy Barnett In more than twenty-five years of ministry, and as pastor of one of America’s largest and fastest growing churches, Tommy Barnett has discovered the key biblical factors for multiplying your effectiveness. His forty factors will help you to multiply your potential—not simply add to it, subtract from it or divide it. For pastors and church leaders, Christian businessmen and anyone else interested in getting more effective results in their own ministry or marketplace, Multiplication will teach, inspire, and motivate.
  • Demonic power is real. It can grab hold of a person, drag them into despair, and ruin their lives. There are many fears that hold us back from reaching our potential in Christ. Through the power of God, I will teach you a special revelation of insight to deliver you and lead you into victory!
  • God wants to bring you into a new understanding of giving. When you realize the awesome power in giving, you will be free from fear and experience His continual cycle of giving and receiving.
  • We are living in a time when there are circumstance that come against us in life that can make us feel overwhelmed … circumstances that bring stress and worry, which can lead to discouragement, depression and spiritual burnout, as well as physical ailments and sicknesses. In a world where stress and worry have created some of the biggest threats to your spiritual and physical health, God has given Dr. Cerullo the keys to overcome Satan's attack.
  • What would it be life for you to experience freedom from every hurt? God wants to bring you into an experience of 100% victory over every area of your life. You will be taken step by step, into God’s plan for your complete and total restoration.
  • Passing On The Mantle

    Suggested Price $10.00
  • By: Samuel Rodriguez Inspired by the faithfulness and courage of the great biblical prophets Elijah and Elisha, bestselling author Samuel Rodriguez explores the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times in which we live. If painful circumstances or losses have left you weary and discouraged, then grab hold of God's promises and get ready to complete your assignment!
  • You may not come from a rich family, or have received a financial windfall ... but God has given you an inheritance that is far greater! Right now is God’s time for you to receive it!
  • By: David Cerullo If you’ve been frustrated trying to find prosperity your way, it’s time to learn the secrets of prosperity God’s way! David Cerullo’s book will help you discover your Heavenly Father’s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! God’s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity God’s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • Redefining Who is a Minister God is raising up a great army of men and women around the world to march forward in a mighty demonstration of His power as a final end-time witness. The teaching within this book will equip and position you for ministry. Prayerfully seek what God has in store for you through this anointed teaching and discover revelation knowledge and spiritual breakthroughs. This resource is a key to working the works of God. Now, it is time for you to take your position as a minister of Almighty God and fulfill the ministry God has called you to do! Get Your Book Today!
  • In this exciting revelation, you will discover the powerful, spiritual secrets that Jacob learned. He could have been defeated by his own character flaws, fear, depression, enemies, and circumstances.
  • By: David Cerullo These are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are My appointed feasts." Your Heavenly Father wants to step into the circumstances of your life with His supernatural breakthroughs, and some of His most amazing blessings are offered through the "holy convocations" and "appointed times". As you return to these "ancient paths" and keep your appointments with God, His favor will take you from the land of Not Enough or Barely Enough to His land of More Than Enough. Get ready to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!
  • A powerful, life changing, end-time prophetic transcript on salvation, with the message of the coming return of our Lord!


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