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  • The New Proof Producers

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  • Passing On The Mantle

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  • Faith begins at the point that the will of God is known. The greatest two days of your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born. The burning questions of every believer’s life are: "Lord, who are You?" and "What will you have me to do?" Knowing God's Will For Your Life may be the most important message you will ever read! In Knowing God's Will for Your Life, you will discover: • How to unleash the power of your renewed mind! • How to see yourself as God sees you. • The commandment that looses God's guidance. • How to destroy Satan's lies over your life...and more!
  • This book takes a prophetic look at the current financial crisis, including a warning concerning a coming, end-time, worldwide economic shaking that will throw the entire world into a state of great financial perplexity. Nothing will be able to stop it. There will be no solution outside of what you read and receive in this book.
  • By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
  • In this exciting revelation, you will discover the powerful, spiritual secrets that Jacob learned. He could have been defeated by his own character flaws, fear, depression, enemies, and circumstances.
  • Christ, Your Healer

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  • Redefining Who is a Minister God is raising up a great army of men and women around the world to march forward in a mighty demonstration of His power as a final end-time witness. The teaching within this book will equip and position you for ministry. Prayerfully seek what God has in store for you through this anointed teaching and discover revelation knowledge and spiritual breakthroughs. This resource is a key to working the works of God. Now, it is time for you to take your position as a minister of Almighty God and fulfill the ministry God has called you to do! Get Your Book Today!
  • Discover the nine diabolical strategies Satan has in his evil arsenal of weapons. He will try to aim them at you, your family, your finances and your ministry. His deceptive tricks include keeping Christians in spiritual ignorance, and speaking lies to lure you into a spiritual sleep. But, you can know the dangers ahead and be prepared to win the war against the devil! In 9 Strategies of Satan, Morris Cerullo reveals God’s spiritual strategies that you can use to counter the attacks of Satan, overcome his strategic plan, and win the spiritual war!


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