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    Power Series

    • Experience God’s Unlimited Power by Morris Cerullo God has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority. Through you He wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will on the earth. Learn how to take your position of power and authority as a child of God and joint-heir with Christ!
    • How to Have the Power of God by Morris Cerullo Discover how your faithfulness can lead to a life filled with God’s divine power to overcome your day-to-day struggles and burdens. God wants you to have 100% victory … in HIS power!
    • Persevere with Power by Samuel Rodriguez Inspired by the prophets Elijah and Elisha, explore the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times. If painful circumstances or losses have you weary and discouraged, grab hold of God’s promises and get ready to complete your assignment!
    • The Power of Favor by Joel Osteen Your heavenly Father is not limited by your loss, your lack, or the barren ground that has left you with no hope. You can release the power of favor as your shield from the flood of attacks against you and find your favor in the famine.
  • This incredible revelation explains how God is at work today, and how He seeks to use you everyday of your life. Discover key concepts:Exactly who is a minister?How to go past the point of blessing, into the realm of power. How to have the faith of God, without struggling. What to do when Satan challenges our authority. Assessing the enemy’s strength, and defeating him!Discover how you can be used by God, live in the supernatural, and spiritually go beyond where you are now, into the realm of power! Move into God’s power today.
  • Receive the keys to unlock God’s heart within the pages of this book! Discover life in the supernatural and revel in His glory by giving your all to Him.
  • Live In His Glory

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    This powerful teaching will help you discover what true worship really is and how it can literally change your life. Jesus said, But the hour ccometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:23).
  • Download only How To Prosper In The Coming Financial Crisis This eBook takes a prophetic look at the current financial crisis, including a warning concerning a coming, end-time, worldwide economic shaking that will throw the entire world into a state of great financial perplexity. Nothing will be able to stop it. There will be no solution outside of what you read, and recieve, in this eBook. God will release an end-time financial anointing into your life! Order Yours Today!
  • This journey, with Dr. Cerullo into the world of the Holy Spirit will release eyesight as you have never experienced it. Supernatural eyesight is looking into the Spirit, as the great prophets of the Bible did, to see the spiritual reality that is hidden just beyond our eyes. This supernatural eyesight is essential to the higher calling of the Christian. Get Your eBook Today!
  • This life changing book will explain the different strategies that Jesus used to defeat the attacks of the devil. Think about the battles that you are facing now. Learn that God has not planned for you to be beaten down, but plans on your Victory! Discover how to:
    • Recognize your position.
    • Be baptized by the Holy Spirit.
    • Conquer Satan knowing that you are a son or daughter of God.
    It's time for you to take your God given VICTORY Get Yours Now!


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