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  • This journey, with Dr. Cerullo into the world of the Holy Spirit will release eyesight as you have never experienced it. Supernatural eyesight is looking into the Spirit, as the great prophets of the Bible did, to see the spiritual reality that is hidden just beyond our eyes. This supernatural eyesight is essential to the higher calling of the Christian. Get Your eBook Today!
  • Be delivered from feelings of fear, discouragement, depression, stress, weariness, worry, and doubt! This book is a powerful training resource that exposes Satan's plan against you, your finances, your family, and your ministry. Learn how to stop Satan’s plan and enter into God’s cycle of 100 percent victory!
  • Throughout the pages of this eBook, you will take a spiritual journey back through time.
    • You will first follow in the footsteps of Elijah, as he stands boldly before Ahab and declares God’s judgment.
    • You will sit with Elijah at the brook Cherith and accompany Elijah to the widow’s house.
    • You will witness the supernatural provision of God in a time of famine and the raising of the dead.
    • You will stand with Elijah on Mount Carmel as the fire falls from heaven
    • You will travail with Elijah in prayer
    • You will experience Elijah's anguish as he flees for his life.
    As you take this journey, the eBook will weave together a spiritual pattern for the supernatural mantle that must rest upon YOUR own life. Read this as if you are receiving the mantle and experience the unique double-portion anointing to impact the world.
  • This life changing book will explain the different strategies that Jesus used to defeat the attacks of the devil. Think about the battles that you are facing now. Learn that God has not planned for you to be beaten down, but plans on your Victory! Discover how to:
    • Recognize your position.
    • Be baptized by the Holy Spirit.
    • Conquer Satan knowing that you are a son or daughter of God.
    It's time for you to take your God given VICTORY Get Yours Now!
  • In this day of financial uncertainty, with rapid changes occurring worldwide, this incredible eBook is going to release a time of great spiritual breakthroughs for you. Expect to receive a life- changing experience in your life. There is a deep burden for the Body of Christ, Satan tries to attack the finances of God's people, we cannot afford to sit back and allow Satan to bind our finances any longer. It is time to fight! DECLARE WAR ON THE DEVIL'S WAR AGAINST OUR FINANCES! Now is the time for YOU to receive God's end-time financial anointing! Don't Hesitate ... Get Yours Now!
  • Understanding that death and life are in the power of the tongue is the primary focus of this eBook. Apply how to control the tongue to be victorious in your life today. Expect to learn every day uses to set a watch over YOUR tongue with practical application and strategies. Learn how to examine how God's Word in YOUR mouth is a powerful and living force that will work to develop a relationship in which the Word of God is lived out. Now, is the time to take what Almighty God has blessed you with and confess the PROMISE of HIS Word!
  • Download Only It’s Time for the Church to Grow Up Did you know that you are a people of spiritual destiny? In this book, you will learn to look beyond your limits and take your position as a son or daughter with full sonship rights. Reach your full stature by being wholly yielded to the Holy Spirit. As you read this eBook, be continually transformed into Christ's image. Believe to go into full maturity as you enter an experience of the truth!
  • Download Only God's Purpose for the Fivefold Ministry And when Jesus left this Earth to sit at the right hand of His Father, He left the Church exceeding abundant gifts for the benefit of the entire Body ... the fivefold ministry gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Jesus gave these fivefold ministry gifts to the Church to bring power, authority, and mighty deeds into the Body for the purpose of edification, unification, and ministry. Discover these key concepts:
    • Identify the offices of the fivefold ministry
    • Distinguish the purpose for each of the fivefold ministries within the church
    • Compare the attributes of the five offices given by Christ
    It is God’s purpose for His Church to be one in Spirit! Get Yours Now!
  • Download Only Knowing God's Voice God has placed within us, a supernatural ability to hear and know His voice. For many Christians they maintain a surface experience with God. Even though they identify themselves as Christians, they have never learned to recognize the voice of God, know when He is speaking to them, or know what He is saying. This incredible eBook gives revelation and explains a foundation for every follower of Christ to hear the voice of God, and discover His will for their daily life. Discover these key concepts:
    • Explain the relationship between knowing God's voice and determining His will.
    • Explain how God reveals His will according to the Scriptures.
    As you build your personal relationship with God, these truths will become part of who you are. Get Yours Now!
  • This is the 265-page textbook for the Morris Cerullo Declaring War on the Devil's War School of Ministry course and can be downloaded immediately! Chapters include:
    • The Greatest Warfare Ever Known
    • There Can Be No Victory Until You Locate Your Real Enemy
    • Satan’s Origin and Motivation
    • The Christian And Demon Possession
    • God’s Armor Against Satan’s Attack
    • Your Powerful Weapon Of Intercessory Prayer
    • Your Powerful Weapon Of Speaking The Word
    • The Power Of Binding And Loosing
    • Fasting and Faith And much more!
  • Download Only Christ Your Healer Today, when you claim God’s promises by faith, act on them, and believe that God’s healing power will be released and you will be healed! God’s divine, healing power is unlimited!  Whatever healing you need in your life it is possible through Christ your healer! It is possible for you to receive healing right where you are while you are reading this eBook. Let faith arise within you! Get Your eBook Now!
  • Download Only Receive a New Anointing In your life, ministry, local church, or community, are you walking under God’s anointing, or are you struggling, pushing, and trying to make things happen in your own limited strength? To have a double-portion anointing upon your life, you must be willing to press through in the Spirit! Are you hungry for God to anoint you with His Spirit, until it pours over you, and your entire life is being consumed? As you read this eBook, pick up and take hold of the mantle of His anointing. Go beyond the point of blessing and level of desire!
  • Download Only The Bond of Love Has God taken you into an experience of knowing that He has placed His love within you? Are you experiencing a continual flow of God’s love in your life, and demonstrating it to others? Before we can come into a strong position of unity and power, God’s love must be able to flow through us and be manifested to one another and to the world. Only with this key element actively at work in us, will we come into a unity in the Spirit. As you read this eBook, release your faith and expect God to take you beyond your natural limitations to a place where His love is flowing in, and through you. Get Your eBook Now!
  • The Power of Pentecost Download only Do you want to experience a fresh outpouring of the power of Pentecost in your life? The same power as when God literally breathed down spiritual fire in the Upper Room? Then get ready to go past the point of blessing to experience the fullness of God’s power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: Acts 1:8 As you read this book, embrace its powerful truths, and apply them to your life. I believe that as you do, every aspect of your life, your family, and your ministry will be turned right-side-up by an overwhelming overflow of Holy Ghost FIRE! You, too, can experience the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within! Order Yours Today!
  • God is bringing you into a new position of power, authority, and dominion. He has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority through whom He can manifest His supernatural power. The greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit is yet to come. He hasn’t planned to put any limitations on the release of His power through you. Through you, God wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will in this end-time hour. Take your position of power and authority as a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Get Your eBook Today!
  • Download Only Divine Capability Do you want God’s power—the same power that was upon Christ—released into your life? Are you spiritually hungry to have a double-portion anointing of God’s Spirit manifested in your life? Begin to walk and live in the Spirit, as Jesus walked in the Spirit, and you will see power released in your life. Get Your eBook Today!
  • Download Only The New Anointing There is a secret to overcoming problems, failures, temptations, circumstances, and unanswered prayers. I reveal this revelation in my eBook, The New Anointing. You will learn that problems are not caused by circumstances, people, ideologies, or things, but by spiritual forces. Once you discover how to recognize the ROOT CAUSE of your problems, you will know how to deal with them. You will know how to live in complete victory! As you begin to use the strategies of The New Anointing, you will deal a fatal blow to Satan and the demonic forces that are hindering your life, your family, and your ministry. Get Your eBook Today!
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power. Get Your eBook Today!
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