Time To Operate In The Same Manifestation As Jesus
Welcome to the New Year God’s Victorious Army!
Welcome to the New Year God’s Victorious Army!
What an extraordinary Christmas season has been held by the Cerullo household, and that of those in God’s Victorious Army!
Beloved, have you heard? The Feast of Tabernacles is tomorrow!
Are you like the Israelites of the Bible? Are you in bondage to the wickedness of this world? Do you wear chains
Trending News: Why Christians Can Celebrate Passover, Too ~christianitytoday.com
Trending News: 2/3 of the world’s people don’t know Jesus. ~ CBN
Trending News: Our first freedom is a gift from God … ~ Knox news (a sub-part of USA Today)
Trending News: Want to keep your New Year’s resolutions? Here’s how ~ FOX News
Trending News: Let us celebrate the birth of Christ by remembering all that He has done for us. He came that we
Trending News: The Amazing Story of ‘O Holy Night’ … ~ Beliefnet