- The Bible says, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding ... (Psalm 111:10, NIV). So this month we want to help you to understand God’s cycles ... God’s seasons ... and God’s longing for us to dig deeper than a surface experience to a true spiritual experience with the power of the Holy Spirit.
- In God’s Cycle of Blessings and Seasons of Blessing by David Cerullo, you delve deep into God’s principle of seedtime and harvest, and the necessity for obedience to observing God’s appointed times and seasons in order to reap a bountiful harvest of blessings in your life.
- Then Morris Cerullo admonishes us, Don’t Stop at the Point of Blessings! Press on to the Point of Power! Dr. Cerullo was given a clear Word to share ... we need to get beyond the charismatic experience and enter the spirit realm for true spiritual transformation of the Holy Spirit to take place in our lives.
In The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Scott reveals Solomon’s hidden treasures–often-overlooked wisdom for achieving breakthrough success in your work, health, marriage, and relationship with God. You will discover how to… · master life’s most important skill · resolve any conflict and turn enemies into allies · overcome the most destructive force in relationships · prevent the single greatest cause of financial loss · experience true fulfillment in every area of life
Don’t Stop at the Point of Blessing by Morris Cerullo focuses on a central spiritual message: the importance of moving beyond the emotional highs and blessings of spiritual experiences to achieve a deeper, transformative power in one’s faith journey.
Do you need a new beginning in your family, health, finances, emotions, or relationship with God? When you allow Christ to reign on the throne of your heart, He promises… “Behold, I make ALL things new!” Revelations 21:5 During this 30-day journey of transformation, David Cerullo will provide you with hope and encouragement from God’s Word – all the tools you need to experience victory in every area of your life.
Sale!With David Cerullo as your guide, Ancient Secrets of the Tabernacle Revealed is your treasure map guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation … illuminating your pathway to a life-changing encounter with God. Explore scriptural truths revealing the pathway to God’s presence and understand, as never before, the riches hidden within the Tabernacle.
- Favor Factor by David Cerullo Is the favor of God missing from your life? God wants to unfold His plans for your life . . . plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11); and in Favor Factor, David Cerullo shows you how the favor of God can reverse every negative circumstance in your life and propel you to the life of your dreams.
- Multiplication by Tommy Barnett Factor #8: Discover Inner Peace is just one of the 40 factors Tommy Barnett listed that will help you unlock and multiply your effectiveness in leadership and ministry. With biblical insight from over 70 years in ministry, let him show you the keys to Reach Your Potential in Christ (Factor #29).
- Superabundance 4-DVD Set with Morris Cerullo Experience classic powerhouse messages from Morris Cerullo as he unveils God’s plans to break the yokes off of His people’s (your) finances, physical bodies, and families. . . every circumstance in your life. God wants His children to have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10).
Too many of us settle for a listless life of mundane routine. We long to discover a greater purpose for our lives, but we don't know how. Dr. Robert Jeffress has an encouraging message for people looking for something more. God not only wants us to enjoy an extraordinary life, he has provided a roadmap for doing so. In this inspiring and motivating book, Dr. Jeffress reveals seven secrets from Elijah that result in a life marked by significance, satisfaction, and success, including:
- discovering your unique purpose in life
- waiting on God's timing learning
- how to handle bad days
- and more
The Land Between provides fresh biblical insight for people traveling through undesired and difficult transitions such as foreclosure, unemployment, uncertainty, and failure. Such times provide our greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. God desires to meet us in our chaos and emotional upheaval, and he intends for us to encounter his goodness and provision, his hope and guidance.
- How to Pray by Morris Cerullo Learn how to receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing that will take you beyond ordinary prayer and into the supernatural realms where you touch the heart of God to release His supernatural blessings in your life and the life of those you pray for.
- With Christ in the School of Prayer by Morris Cerullo God wants end-time prophetic intercessors . . . a prayer army with a strong anointing to penetrate the forces of the enemy and break down Satan’s defenses. Through biblical examples, learn how to offensively and strategically pray for the changes needed in your life . . . and in the world
- Prayer & Intercession CD with Morris Cerullo You will feel the presence of God as you listen to these eight anointed prayer devotions spoken by Morris Cerullo over an original soundtrack. This anointed CD will surely inspire and encourage you to believe God for the promises, the miracles you need in your life..
- Anointed Prayers DVD with Morris Cerullo You can learn how to pray for salvation, physical and spiritual healing, deliverance, prosperity, and more. Morris Cerullo shares prayers to bring healing and miracles for you and your loved ones.
Every day as you journey on your 30 Days to Increase, you can hide God’s direct, eternal, unalterable promise of increase in your heart through your 30 Personal Promises of Increase. God’s Word will ignite your faith for increase.
Through this 30-day devotional, you can walk day by day into God’s promise of increase and abundance our Heavenly Father has ordained for you.
- Revelation Healing Power by Morris Cerullo When everything that CAN be shaken WILL be shaken, learn to fix your faith on the ONE THING that is infallible and impregnable – the Word of God.
- Seven Steps to Victory by Morris Cerullo Learn the seven steps to personal victory that will guarantee God will answer your prayers. Experience the confidence that God has not forsaken you!
- Live in His Glory by Morris Cerullo This powerful teaching will help you discover what true worship really is and how it can literally change your life.
- School of Healing Prayer Cards These seven prayer cards will release your faith for victory in every area of your life, or the life of a loved one.
By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
- The Priestly Prayer of the Blessing by Warren M. Marcus As they walked through the wilderness for forty years, the children of Israel received supernatural provision, divine health, and angelic protection. In this powerful book and DVD set, Warren M. Marcus reveals how you can experience a supernatural, intimate relationship with your heavenly Father and walk in your God-given destiny like never before.
- Double Blessing by Mark Baterson Don’t Settle for Less Than You’re Called to Bless. God doesn’t bless us to raise our standard of living, but to raise our standard of giving. Real joy is found in “flipping the blessing.” Some call it “paying it forward.” In Double Blessing, Mark Baterson challenges you to pursue a lifestyle of God-glorifying giving. As God blesses you in this, our year of expecting supernatural INCREASE, He wants you to be a blessing to others.
- Experience God’s Unlimited Power by Morris Cerullo God has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority. Through you He wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will on the earth. Learn how to take your position of power and authority as a child of God and joint-heir with Christ!
- How to Have the Power of God by Morris Cerullo Discover how your faithfulness can lead to a life filled with God’s divine power to overcome your day-to-day struggles and burdens. God wants you to have 100% victory … in HIS power!
- Persevere with Power by Samuel Rodriguez Inspired by the prophets Elijah and Elisha, explore the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times. If painful circumstances or losses have you weary and discouraged, grab hold of God’s promises and get ready to complete your assignment!
- The Power of Favor by Joel Osteen Your heavenly Father is not limited by your loss, your lack, or the barren ground that has left you with no hope. You can release the power of favor as your shield from the flood of attacks against you and find your favor in the famine.
Are you ready for YOUR miraculous INCREASE in 2024, unlike any other blessing you’ve ever received? These three powerful teachings walk you through key biblical principles for strengthening your prayer life, waiting on God, and living a life of abundance as God intended.
- God’s Prophetic Financial Plan for Your Life! With more than seven hours of breakthrough teachings, Morris Cerullo give you the spiritual tools to release God’s creative power within. Discover God’s prophetic plan for you to obtain wealth, to live and prosper under His financial anointing. Turn your financial situations around. It IS God’s will for you to prosper! (This $40 value is yours as part of this unique special!)
- Prosperity God’s Way You are not meant for financial bondage! In God’s economy there is NO LACK, but you need to go beyond the limitations of your natural mind. Learn the faith-filled steps to become debt-free and expect God’s divine sufficiency for your life!
- Soaring Over Life’s Storms The key to God’s overcoming power is through a divine exchange – your weakness for His strength. This powerful teaching reveals how fervent praying and waiting on God will build your faith to soar over life’s storms.
Learn the truth about one of Satan’s most diabolical and stealthy schemes—generational curses. You will learn battle–tested strategies to stop you from blindly falling prey to the devil’s schemes. You will learn to identify the root causes of demonic strongholds and be able to identify generational curses that are affecting you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially. You can break generational curses off you and your loved ones permanently! God wants to release His blessings over you now and in the generations to come!
Revelation Healing Power will show you how, beyond head knowledge, beyond feelings, and beyond doctrines and denominations, that with everything going on in our world ... natural disasters, crises in the nations, moral decline, and political unrest ... the only answer, the only place we can ‘fix our faith’ is in the ONE THING that is infallible and impregnable – the Word of God.
This incredible revelation explains how God is at work today, and how He seeks to use you everyday of your life. Discover key concepts:Exactly who is a minister?How to go past the point of blessing, into the realm of power. How to have the faith of God, without struggling. What to do when Satan challenges our authority. Assessing the enemy’s strength, and defeating him!Discover how you can be used by God, live in the supernatural, and spiritually go beyond where you are now, into the realm of power! Move into God’s power today.
It is a truly transformative book and DVD by renowned author and spiritual leader David Cerullo. This powerful resource will empower you to reclaim your life from the clutches of darkness. This powerful resource will empower you to reclaim your life from the clutches of darkness. • Unleash Your Spiritual Armor: Learn how to put on your spiritual armor and fortify yourself against the devil's attacks. Understand the significance of each piece and how it can shield you from harm. • Harness the Weapons of Victory: Discover the potent weapons that God has bestowed upon you. From faith to prayer, gain insight into how to effectively wield these tools to overcome any obstacle. • Empower Your Battle Plan: Whether you’re facing marital struggles, challenges with your children, health concerns, or financial turmoil, David Cerullo’s life-changing teachings offer a roadmap to victory. Equip yourself with strategies to recognize and counteract Satan’s devious tactics. • Transformative Wisdom for All: Take it Back isn’t just a resource – it’s a guide to liberation. Regardless of your past, these teachings will empower you to triumph over adversity and reclaim the life you deserve.
God is bringing you into a new position of power, authority, and dominion. He has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority through whom He can manifest His supernatural power. The greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit is yet to come. He hasn’t planned to put any limitations on the release of His power through you. Through you, God wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will in this end-time hour. Take your position of power and authority as a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ.
By: Samuel Rodriguez Inspired by the faithfulness and courage of the great biblical prophets Elijah and Elisha, bestselling author Samuel Rodriguez explores the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times in which we live. If painful circumstances or losses have left you weary and discouraged, then grab hold of God's promises and get ready to complete your assignment!
By: David Cerullo Find powerful Biblical secrets for multiplying God’s blessings and taking your life from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY! David Cerullo will help you discover: • How God’s double portion blessings will change every area of your life • The surest path to receiving your double portion • Why you can recover double of anything the enemy has stolen • How to keep from squandering your double portion inheritance It’s time to believe God for breakthroughs above and beyond anything you’ve dreamed of before! David Cerullo’s book will help you discover your Heavenly Father’s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! God’s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity God’s Way is the guide to help you get started!
The revelation inside the pages of this book is life transforming. Until God gave me this revelation, I had no idea that Scriptures I had circled even as a child would have special significance in the years to come.
Propel your spiritual journey to a new level. These Library Classics by Morris Cerullo contain powerful teachings like the Keys to Victory, Hearing the Voice of God, and the Revelation Faith with a Step by Step Plaque that will unlock the Bible's mysteries. • Hearing God's Voice Library Classic empowers you with invaluable knowledge to hear, recognize, listen, and discern the Voice of God. No longer will you struggle to differentiate between the divine guidance and the noise of your natural mind or the deceitful whispers of Satan! • Revelation Faith Library Classic will guide you into a profound understanding of genuine faith – the kind of faith God imparts to His beloved children. With this newfound God-measure of faith, you will experience a profound transformation, overcoming obstacles and witnessing God's power work in your life. • Keys to Victory Library Classic dive into the strategies used by Jesus Himself to defeat Satan over two millennia ago. Imagine understanding and applying the very tactics that our Savior employed to conquer darkness and claim victory. Armed with these powerful insights, you can triumph over challenges, walk with spiritual authority, and live with purpose and impact! • The Step-by-Step Plaque is the ultimate reminder to meditate on the amazing spiritual growth journey you will undertake with these Victory Miracle Library Classics will take you on. Step by step, you will reach your Victory Miracle!